Entrapta is the September Club Etheria Subscription figure and brings us one step closer to finishing off the Evil Horde in Masters of the Universe Classics! Though my Horde won’t really be complete until I have Vultak and Colonol Blast, Entrapta does check off a vintage and a Filmation Horde character off the list in great style. Let’s take a closer look at Entrapta!
Entrapta™ Bio
Real Name: Es’tra Vesselak
After the Horde invaded Etheria, Catra was sent down with the initial invasion force to assess the level of resistance. Befriending an illegitimate ruler of Bright Moon, Catra recruited Es’tra to join the Horde and help them conquer the planet. Using her ultra-long magical hair, Es’tra became known as Entrapta for her ability to capture enemies. Her arms, legs and torso are made of the shiniest gold in all of Etheria. Her hair is pink and purple and the longest of anyone in the land. When She-Ra or her friends come near to see the shiny gold of Entrapta, she traps them in her ultra long hair! She remained with Hordak after he abandoned Etheria for his original goal – the magiks of Eternia, enough power to take command of the entire Horde Empire!
I do like that Entrapta is another native Etherian that works for the Horde. It makes sense that you would see a lot of Etherian usurper-types cozying up to the new power for their personal gain.
Entrapta comes with two accessories: the standard She-Ra shield repainted and a staff. I’ve gone on record as enjoying the repaints of the standard Princess of Power shield.
I feel no differently here, though it’s not really a Hordesman accessory normally. The colors do match Glimmer pretty well, and she didn’t have one, so that works.
The staff is the eponymous magical item from the Filmation He-Man episode “The Shaping Staff.” In the show, Evil-Lyn used it, so collectors can give that to her if they wish, but it fits in just fine with Entrapta’s color scheme.
The staff did come a little warped in the package, and I have not been able to straighten it properly yet.
The sculpt is great, and athough the design doesn’t exactly match any one iteration of Entrapta (vintage figure, style guide, Filmation) that we’ve seen yet, it’s a good amalgam of the different looks.
The face sculpt has some nice evil eyebrows and the hair is appropriately huge and flowing. I especially like how the ends curl so they can grasp items and other figures.
Articulation is standard with the addition of swivel/hinges at the base of Entrapta’s pony tails and one swivel per tail. My Entrapta’s ankles are a little loose.
That coupled with the weight of the hair, makes it tough to do action poses with the hair flailing without support. In these pics, I sometimes used a fishing line to hold the hair up.
Paint is fine here with the one standout feature of some fairly metallic detail paint. All the gold shines brightly.
Entrapta is pretty great. She was not a figure I have been desperate for, but she is well executed.
The one improvement I would have liked is an additional cut joint in the hair so it could be posed to “attack” forward more instead of to the side and back.
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