Alvis Underground creates amazing accessory sets to convert your Masters of the Universe Classics figure into a brand new character. Today we look at one such conversion kit: Duskfang!
The Duskfang conversion kit consists of five fully painted plastic pieces that can be added on to an existing MOTUC figure to create a Dark Wolf-like warrior figure. The head pops on just like any other MOTUC head and stays on securely.
The belt wraps over the existing MOTUC loincloth and snaps closed like any MOTUC belt. The necklace is sculpted to rest perfectly in place on the musculature of his neck and chest.
The weapons are cool sculpts with sharp edges and realistic details. They are made of really nice, stiff plastic that don’t really warp at all, and the belt and head are this perfect flexible plastic. The figure is fully playable, though you’ll want to watch the paintwork a bit because this is a custom paint job.
The head sculpt has this hard boiled square-jawed visage that is perfect for the character. The sculpting and paint work also compliments the MOTUC figures well.
I’ve just popped the parts onto a Vykron figure with no modification at all and it makes for a great figure. I’ll probably do some more mods (painting boots and gauntlets), but I don’t think you absolutely need to do that to enjoy this kit. So total custom newbies can feel confident picking this set up as well.
This set is currently up for preorder on Alvis’ web shop at Store Envy. The price is $55, which seems reasonable to me when I factor in how much time goes into creating a custom figure and the high quality of these pieces.