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Masters of the Universe Classics Feature – Flutterina

Flutterina Headline

We got a double dose of Princess of Power goodness in Club Etheria with Madame Razz and in Club Eternia with Flutterina, and I could not be happier because both figures turned out really nice.  Let’s take a closer look at the August Club Eternia figure — Flutterina!


Flutterina™ Bio
Real Name: Abby De’note
After the Horde invaded her home planet and overthrew most of the local monarchs, Flutterina was driven underground and joined with the Great Rebellion. As a member of the Beautifly Council, she was magically gifted with fairy wings giving her the ability to fly unnoticed around most foes. This skill makes her an ideal spy and reconnaissance officer. After the Horde located a Laser Gate back to Eternia, she agreed to follow along with She-Ra and several other warriors in pursuit. Flutterina eventually fell in love with Randor’s new Man-At-Arms and opted to stay with him on Eternia after the Second Ultimate Battleground. Flutterina uses her powers of flight to chase off those who make mischief for her friends!


Huh.  Beautifly Council.  That’s a new one on me.  If anyone knows the origin of that, I’d love to hear it.  I think I prefer her Filmation origin, where she is injured helping She-Ra and gains the wings through some sort of cocoon/healing spell with Light Hope.  Still, it’s nice to hear fun little story tidbits like part where she falls in love with Clamp Champ.


The thing about the being an ideal spy seems weird to me.  They say the same thing about Buzz-Off as well and that strikes me as odd too.  What I mean is, these are GIANT wings.  You don’t have to be Mantenna to see them coming from a mile away.  In one episode of the Filmation series, Flutterina does actually turn into a little tiny butterfly.  Now that would make a good spy. The bio does say she is gifted with the ability to fly around unnoticed, so maybe she’s got some sort of magical cloaking power while in flight.  I’m thinking about this too much…


Flutterina comes with a repaint of Battle Ground Teela’s sword and a repaint of the standard Princess of Power (PoP) shield. I’m of a mind that all the PoP gals should come with one of those repainted shields.  I like the look of them and enough of them do have one that it’s weird when one doesn’t.

Flutterina_05The sword is a nice add as I feel like the more melee weapons we get with the PoP characters the better. They are fighting in a war, after all.

Flutterina_06I think I would prefer a new weapon, but I’ll take this one. I would have liked a place to stow the sword, like perhaps a loop hanging off the back of the belt.  Both weapons are cast in a stiff plastic that holds shape well.


Flutterina has a nice head sculpt that is pretty and different enough from the other PoP girls.  Her boots and bracers have some interesting, flowing curve details that make them stand out, and the skirt has a petal-like design that almost makes me think of a Roman gladiator’s skirt.

Flutterina_08The wings have a slight texture to them and the designs are raised sections in the front and have etched detail in the back.  The almost psychedelic design is straight from the vintage toy, but I think it’s way more successful here in painted plastic than printed paper.


Flutterina has the standard MOTUC articulation, except she is missing the ab crunch and boot cut.  I don’t miss the boot cut and I’ve grown used to the lack of ab joint for the female figures in this line.  The head movement is limited by the hair sculpt’s interaction with the wings.

Flutterina_10I understand the compromise is necessary to retain the design of wings with that hair style.  I do like that she has the Teela/Adora style ankles, though.  Love those rocker ankles.  Love ’em. The wings plug securely into her back and articulate on a swivel/hinge, though you can’t really swivel or hinge them that far due to the design of the hair.


Paint is quite nice on Flutterina.  For one, the designs of the wings are all nice and crisp and she also has several different metallic paint hits. She has some on the shield, the sword, her bracers, belts and boots and on the costume design.  I also feel like the eyes came out especially nice.


Flutterina was not high on my list of wants to be sure, but the figure is quite nice in hand.  There is something cool about a warrior woman with huge fairy wings to me.

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