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Masters of the Universe Classics Feature – Lizard Man

Lizard Man_01The 2015 Club Eternia subscription kicked off nicely this month with the release of fan-favorite Filmation only character Lizard Man!

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Lizard Man Bio

Real Name: Gayn
Known as “Lizzie” by his friends, Lizard Man shares many attributes with his Reptile brethren, but chooses to align with He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. Although he deals with discrimination due to his genetic connection with the cold-blooded Snake Men, he is good-humored and has a warm heart. With his agility, balance, and fighting skills, Lizard Man is a devoted member of the Masters of the Universe, displaying his bravery while fighting Skeletor’s henchman or being tossed into the air to aid the speedy rescue of the Sorceress. With his strong, thrashing tail and light agile body Lizard Man stealthily fights the forces of evil.

Lizard Man_03The bio doesn’t really tell us much but I do like that his fighting skills are highlighted. The part about being tossed into the air is straight from the Filmation episode Song of Celise, one of Lizard Man’s two Filmation appearances. He-Man basically fires the guy through the window of Castle Grayskull like Lizzy was a football he was tossing around.

Lizard Man_04The description of his personality and the fact that he was part of a Fastball Special combat maneuver makes me think of Nightcrawler from the Uncanny X-Men. That goes a long way with me.

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Lizard Man is really well sculpted. Again, the 4H have done a beautiful job capturing the Filmation feel of the character while adding subtle and sharp details that make him visually richer. I particularly like the small touch of adding a little bit of stitching to the front of his hood and the nice leather texture on his belt. Lizard Man_07Lizard Man_06


The face has some wonderful sharp detail in his eye sockets, nostrils and beak. There are no soft sculpts here. His facial expression is perfect. There is a hint of a smile there just about ready to break into a grin or hearty laugh.

Lizard Man_08I also like that they gave him unique hands and one is in a splayed-finger position. It’s a nice change of pace for this line that usually has two grip hands, plus it fits the character well.

Lizard Man_09Articulation

Lizard Man has the standard MOTUC articulation except he is missing the mid-torso hinge and has an extra swivel at the knee. For a guy who is agile and leaps about a lot, the missing ab crunch does hurt the figure a bit, though I was able to get him in plenty of appropriate crouching poses. I would have also liked to have seen some movement at the tail, but it has nothing, not even a swivel.

Lizard Man_10The ankles are missing the rocker functionality and the neck doesn’t offer much up/down movement either.

Lizard Man_11Accessories

Lizard Man comes with two Filmation-Specific accessories, The Diamond Ray of Disappearance and a sword Skeletor used once. The sword, commonly and somewhat comically called Skeletor’s Bone Sword, is cast in a flat gray plastic and has no paint.

Lizard Man_12The plastic is somewhat flexible and my sword was bent upon opening. The tip came out pretty dull in production, unfortunately.

Lizard Man_13 Lizard Man_14It looks pretty good with Skeletor, but the lack of paint hurts it a lot. Even though the solid color is Filmation accurate, it looks pretty cheap without the metallic highlights common to swords in this line.

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Lizard Man_16The Diamond Ray of Disappearance is a single piece of plastic sculpted to look like an open box with a jewel inside. It’s got some nice indentations so that most MOTUC figures can hold it easily. The box doesn’t close, which is a little disappointing to me only because in the show it was only opened when firing.

Lizard Man_17It works well as a firing Diamond Ray of Disappearance or it can be used, like I’ve done here, as just a random jewel your MOTUC figures can fight over. It’s cast in GITD material which is a nice touch.

Lizard Man_18Paint

Paint is good on Lizzy with sharp lines and a nice subtle shading of his musculature and crevices in the head sculpt. Mine did come with some white paint on the shoulder, which is odd since he doesn’t have any white pain on him otherwise.

Lizard Man_19Another fun touch is that the webbed hands are cast in a translucent plastic so the light can pass through the webbing.

Lizard Man_20Having been prominently featured in two He-Man and the Masters of the Universe episodes, Lizard Man is one of the top Filmation-Only characters left to be done in MOTUC and he has been done justice here. The unique parts and sharp sculpting work well bringing this cheerful fellow to the MOTUC world and the Filmation specific accessories add a lot of play value.

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