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Morning Rush: More Marvel Legends News, Barnes&Noble

Marvel Legends Logo

Ok, this circus has to stop. Yesterday on the Fwoosh forums, Fwoosher Ash Talon posted UPC’s, there was no hint of where the UPC came from who posted them or where they were found. Later in the day did post that these UPC’s were from Barnes&Noble. Being the very cautious cat that I am, I held off including them in my list, but I have confirmed that using the listed UPC’s will result in items in Barnes&Noble system. I don’t know what these system listing mean, are these real? are they fake? is Hasbro messing with us? Is Marvel? Are the retailers just trying to get some post holiday hits in? Who knows, I haven’t gone back to Hasbro to confirm anything and I’m the fence, reach out to them or wait til Toy Fair? Until then, enjoy this information with a grain, or two, of salt.

Parents please note, these are listed as “AVN” and searching for “AVN” might give you some Not Safe For Work eye opening results.

from Ash Talon:

630509310890 Thundra
630509310906 Valkryie
630509310913 Blizzard
630509310920 Hero Number One (obviously a TBD or to be named later)
630509310937 Dr. Strange
630509310944 Iron Man NOW
630509310951 War Machine

After yesterday’s run down this requires an unexpected update, plus I made some mistakes in my listings yesterday. Here is the new update to this year’s Marvel Legends. I’ve also thrown out a $139.99 guess on the Barnes & Noble set bringing our grand total, including approximately $12 shipping per set (SDCC not included) to $1205.92 for the year. Ladies and Gents, hold on to your pocket books this is a banner year for Marvel Legends.

Marvel Legends Odin (case): Scarlett Witch, Captain Marvel, Machine Man, Iron Fist, Sentry, Hawkeye, Thor, Old Thor, Odin = $159.99 (Based on BBTS(does not include an extra $19.99 for another Thor))
Marvel Legends Thanos (set): Thanos, Hellcat, Spiderwoman, Batroc, Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man Mark 43 = $139.99 [EDUCATED GUESS – Based on Spider-man Legends Hobgoblin Series box set price]
Marvel Legends Hobgoblin (set): Spidergirl, Spidergirl, Anti-Venom, Spider-man, Spidey 2099, Daredevil, Hobgoblin = $139.99 (Based on BBTS)
Marvel Legends Ant Man (No Date): Tigershark, Bulldozer, Giant-Man, Ant-Man, Grim Reaper, Wasp = 139.99 [EDUCATED GUESS – Based on Spider-man Legends Hobgoblin Series box set price]
Marvel Legends Barnes&Noble (set): Thundra, Valkryie, Blizzard, Hero Number One, Dr. Strange, Iron Man NOW, War Machine, BAF = $139.99 [EDUCATED GUESS – Based on Spider-man Legends Hobgoblin Series box set price]
Marvel Legends Agents of Shield (based on target 3-pack): Coulson, Maria Hill, Fury = $49.99 [EDUCATED GUESS – Based on Target 3 Pack box set price]
Guardian of the Galaxy Box Set (based on tru box set): Rocket, Drax, Groot, Gamorra, Star-Lord = $89.99 [EDUCATED GUESS – Based on All New X-Men box set price]
SDCC (based on 2014): figure 1, figure 2, figure 3, figure 4, figure 5 = $110 [EDUCATED GUESS – Based on 2014 SDCC box set price]

32 thoughts on “Morning Rush: More Marvel Legends News, Barnes&Noble

  1. “Happiness is the truth.”
    It’s also an iconic big piece of awesome plastic that lights up and makes killer noise! 😀
    I don’t buy Titan heroes, but I will make a BIG exception for this one. It will go smack dab in the middle of my Ironman Armory collection along with the Toy biz legends hulkbuster,and 1/18th scale Hulkbuster figure from the movie/comic collection.
    Looks like my shelves won’t be big enough to hold Tony’s “ego”. I’m going to need a whole wall unit! Ha-ha… 😉

  2. I assume TItan Hero Hulkbuster is a cruel sarcastic joke meant to torment me. They can spend the plastic on that thing….but still no Legends announcement…I will hold out hope till I hear the BAF announcement…hoping by TOyfair.

    And Fin Fang Foom, would be wonderful if they did. Again, if they don’t attempt, no one will attempt…so it’s duty as lovers and collectors to pressure themi imo.

  3. Yes, sir captain. You got it right,Huntaur!
    The Hasbro 19 inch Galactus and 15.5 inch Sentinel figures(bigger than Toybiz BAFs)were part of the MARVEL UNIVERSE 3.75″action figure series. Those said figures were called “MARVEL MASTERWORKS” and have working lights and sounds! I got the “Marvel Alliance” Galactus variant(w/translucent Silver Surfer 3.75″variant MU pack-in figure) colors version and both Sentinels(w/Wolverine 3.75″ MU pack-in figure) classic X-men colors(blue/red-violet: gold face) and standard Avengers silver/purple deco versions.
    Plans to make a Fin Fang Foom figure in orange were scrapped do to costs.
    Btw, they are just as Wickedly Awesome in magnitude as they sound and More so! 😀

  4. Hey,Dr. Strange Mark, have you been checking the internet sites? Or using your magic eyeball-lol- It looks like you were correct about a Titan hero Hulkbuster toy being on the market. I see on Facebook one was spotted in ToysRus.

  5. Yes…

    No idea why Hasbro stopped. Maybe it was sales, or maybe they were like, “People like our bigger figures….but then again, they might expect more bigger figures in the future. Lets end it before people start expecting our figures to be good.”

    And a year later, they started using their cheap plastic that cant support much weight. To conclude, they use cheaper plastic and I went off topic….again.

  6. Multiple man, nuke, voodoo, havok, there was a slew of figures from comic con one year for the wizard fan poll that have never made it out. Also moonstar, the mystique swap

  7. The sentinel and galactus figures were giant marvel universe figures right? Or am I wrong? I didn’t buy either and I cant remeber. And I’m not talking about the toybiz BAFs. The ones from one or two years ago

  8. When was the last time they released a big Marvel Universe figure, 2011? I am actually still shocked they have not leaked the last 2 baf’s. Maybe like the ROML, they will say, F@%* it, no BAF fo you in that Seinfeld soup Nazi voice.

  9. Laws against consumers in the USA usually only get a fare debate when two corporations are on opposite sides because they have the money. Agreed they do not care about what the fans, the people, you or I think.

    Mouse can cancel X-Men, FF, and Spidey; kill of Deadpool and Wolverine permanently and still be okay because they are that rich and powerful. They can eat it. The problem is there are sites out there, magazines and media who tell people Disney cares about them, MArvel cares about them, DC, WB cares; the truth is if they told them what they really thought, of them, fans would cease.

    People say, I know corporations are bad for example, but they never truly admit it to themselves that they are a number, a simple counting bean, a faceless number that only exists as long as they have a dollar in their pocket and is willing to part with it.

    The big…the big problem is imo, comics aren’t big any more. Kids do not, DO NOT read them. It’s all about a build of off internet saying this will be, this is, or must see. Most decisions by movie goers are made for them rather than by them.

    In the end the only survival for comics are the movie and TV form. I am no longer a major comic guy, the 90’s I was a comic guy, a real comic guy. But fell out of it because of rising costs. As a kid 3 dollars per was just too much. 1 dollar $1.25 is what I could afford.

    I am sure there are comic fans today, unfortunately most are over 30 now and the 25 and younger don’t bother. Similar to action figures, 20 and under probably don’t bother. Amazing how many comic “FANS” there are, when comics are barely purchased. In the 90’s comic fans were nerds, now people are/were always comic “FANS.”

  10. SHAZAM!
    Captain Marvel looks too much like Superman so DC comics sues Fawcet comics and then my favorite character is held hostage.
    Then DC wins and owns Capt. Marvel.
    Wait ,now there is a battle with Marvel Comics over the “Marvel” name.
    They agree DC wont call him Capt.Marvel(or any of the Marvel family)on cover and packages where he/they will be called SHAZAM! This is the 1st legal battle that affected me as Comic fan.
    Now we have a new one for the 21st century Fox vs. Disney/Marvel.

    Disney is doing the most good. They bought Marvel and they bought Star Wars.
    The “Mouse” is a powerhouse!
    Disney/Marvel Studios now has the ability to do what they could not before and that is to bring every corner of the comic book Marvel Universe to life on the big screen. Except the one snag: Fox has a piece and Sony has a piece. DMS has been a success so far creating the MCU from theAvengers to theGuardians of the Galaxy. The ugly politics that affect us fans is being collateral damage in the legal warfare of a campaign to make the MCU whole again.
    Most fans will tell you Fox movies are bad and they need to give mutants and FF back to Marvel. I agree. Will that happen? We will just have to wait and see if Mickey can overpower them to take the rights back while we get caught in the middle.
    Sony is willing to be more deal friendly than Fox and it has nothing to do with equipment or hardware.
    No kind of pressure from us on these giants is going to make any kind of difference one way or the other. Mainly because fans want Disney to win back the rights and it isn’t seen to be that important of an issue and will eventually end. Collectors still get their comic toys and the movie mutants and movie FF will have to wait til the war is over. Sorry.

  11. HULKBUSTER? only if it’s a BAF and or bigger than the Toybiz figure. Like a MARVEL UNIVERSE masterworks version. That would be good.

  12. Dear cautiously optimistic,Walgreens didn’t sell Marvel Legends….either once upon a time.

  13. I honestly wouldn’t lose any sleep if he were. Of what’s left, Songbird and Blade are my big wants. I’d absolutely buy Rogue and Lyra. I’d probably but Moonstar too. That Cyclops would probably need a BAF piece to entice me to get him, especially with none of the other P5 versions slated.

  14. agreed, the movie Hulkbuster is the real cash cow, Hasbro HAS TO MAKE ONE FOR 6″ ML!!!! I don’t understand what the crime is in just straight up releasing it as a single super deluxe item. even the casual toy buying parents can pick it up for the kids. just make a super articulated super solid detailed fun as all heck Hulkbuster for 6″ ML and sell it for like $35.

  15. Up until this past year or two, B&N didn’t really carry any figures. But, now they have Marvel Select, DC Collectibles, all of Funko Legacy, Figuarts, Gundam Models, Star Wars Black Series, and more. I don’t think it would be all that odd for them to start getting Marvel Legends. They already get other Hasbro products. And, it seems like they are really focusing on the collector figure market, since book sales are down and they are having to close some locations.

  16. no way. blizzard valkyrie pop figures? i dont think so. marvel legends at barnes and noble would just solidify that hasbro is going all in with their legends line and making it known that they really wanna get these in collectors hands through as many places as possible.

  17. im thinkin they really were gonna do p5 cyclops, but then he ended up with that new tron costume..(toys r us exclusive) and they decided it woulda been easier to do that paint job instead of mass produce him with all that armor sculpting…. i believe that one is dunzo.

  18. Assuming this was legit (and I’m obviously hoping it is), who would that leave still to be done from the “lost” figures? Songbird, Rogue, P5 Cyclops, Blade…anyone else?

  19. I work at a Barnes and Noble, and we have never been known to carry Marvel Legends. Walking Dead, Star Wars Black Series, and Funko stuff? Yeah, we’re all over that… but Marvel Legends? I dunno about that.

    My best guess is that these are going to be more POP figures. I’d stay cautiously optimistic for right now.

  20. Right not it’s the early stages of the FOx feud. A lot of general fans and collectors do NOT know about the feud so no pressure has been placed on Marvel or DIsney or Hasbro.

    In reality DIsney is punishing FOx but also telling the fans you cannot have anything movie related. I see most fans who know about the feud, really misplacing their anger at Fox. It needs to be put towards the mouse, It took most people to see DOFP to ask, why no movie figures again.

    I am guessing that Disney does not want to mess with Sony because Sony makes most of their equipment and tech that they use. So that is also another cog in the reason they aren’t at odds with Sony but are at odds with Fox.

    It’s up to fans to PRESSURE Hasbro and Disney to stop punishing their fans. I consider not making figures fans want a punishment in a smaller sense that the word intended meaning.

  21. I know they have been done, I was referring to the movie versions. If Hasbro does not, I hope figuarts does.

  22. Not Hasbros choice really on xmen movie stuff. Marvel does a lot of things to spite fox and one of them is to prevent as much merchandising as they can for fox comic book movies (see also fantastic four) Marvel explicitly tells hasbro not to make xmen movie stuff. Comics is fine but not movies. Don’t expect any of that stuff until marvel gets the rights to xmen back. They have a better relationship with Sony and that’s why you get spiderman merch. I think you’re just not getting rhino because there’s not that much demand for it on an adult collector level

  23. Ronan have being done before, and the hulk buster too… yet I could see Hasbro taking the movie version as a BAF. And the movies figures are shelf warmer, I personally dislike them very much.

  24. Great goodness,,,,but still no Hulkbuster. It’s will be the most demanded figure from Avengers 2….but wiil Hasbro make it or will Hasblow not?

    I would have faith, but still no ROnan, no X-Men (movie), no Rhino (Movie), no Goblin (Movie)…so they have a pattern of not makingfigures fans would go crazy for.

  25. My godness… this is crazy… I was looking for a new Dr Strange figure for a long time since the Toy Biz one really needs an up dated but I was not expecting it so soon…

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