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Ask Matty – 9/20/12

Okay, folks – I have to apologize for this as I was out of town and pretty much off the grid for the past week or so, so this is obviously late. Also, I missed the deadline for the next round of answers so we won’t have another go until mid-October. Again, my apologies. Finally, my apologies as I did not have that many submissions for new questions for this round, I hijacked a couple of questions, I am sure you will know them when you see them. I promise the rest of the community and Toy Guru that I shall not ask another General Sunder question again. I think everyone has gotten my annoying point by now. Anyhoo – have at it.

Okay, Matty – now that we are having to go through a change in direction with the MOTUC line, you have mentioned that every SKU needs to count. Hopefully that means that we will get as many characters as possible and through some creative avenues with planned releases. Wouldn’t General Sunder make a great “bonus” to a Horde Trooper set with some minimal new tooling (like his head) and a reuse of the Carnivus or Randor cape? Sounds pretty awesome to me! C’mon Matty, you and the Horsemen can do it!

That would be a cool idea but no plans to announce now. (and yes we are well aware of your personal quest to get this figure made Nic!) ;-P

I might be pressing my luck here, but in the last round you said that you have a plan for all of those FilMation characters that are fair game for the first time. Will you elaborate on just what that means?

It means that we are well aware of whom the top Filmation characters fans want and are actively working to get them into plastic as soon as possible!

I know that villains and females are coming to the fore for requests in the club IE, what females do you feel are the most outstanding at this point? Do you have a list of 5-10 that you feel NEED to be done in order for the Universe to feel complete?

We do have a few females that come up more than others, Ice, Fire, Huntress, Liberty Bell and Granny Goodness all come up a lot.

Now that we are getting Uncle Sam and Doll Man(!) in Novemeber, I am really excited to get more FF characters like the Ray, Black Condor and Human Bomb! What about the Phantom Lady though? Do you think we stand a better chance of seeing the modern or classic take on her?

You tell us! Which would fans like to see!

Since we already know what the line-up for the Club Black Freighter will be due to the make-up of the team, can you let us know what order we will see the rest of the characters in? I want Night Owl so badly right now, the wait is a killer and I just hope it won’t be too much longer.

We can’t reveal that until we have approved sculpts. But we can confirm Nite Owl is intended for the 2013 line up if all goes to plan!

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5 thoughts on “Ask Matty – 9/20/12

  1. This month’s answers from every website are the most retarded responses ever. It is like now that we have signed up for their clubs for next year they no longer care about being civil because they have our money locked in.

    Hell, the black plastic stuff just start cropping up and they are just blowing off our concerns with it.

  2. “If all goes to plan?” The plan that I bought was for all six members of the Watchmen: Rorschach, Dr. Manhatten, Ozymandias, Silk Spectre, The Comedian and Nite Owl . . . what does that ridiculous answer mean?

  3. Mattel can “confirm Nite Owl is intended for the 2013 line up if all goes to plan”.

    Really? What if all doesn’t go to plan? Then we receive Captain Metropolis or Hooded Justice? Or maybe Moloch The Mystic? Honestly, what an absurd answer from Mattel.

  4. Waitaminute, waitaminute, waitaminute…

    That last answer scares me. The whole point of the Black Freighter sub was that we’d be getting all six main Watchmen characters in the sub. “Confirming” Nite Owl in the line-up is either a) the most unnecessary confirmation ever, or b) an indication that Mattel has changed their plans mid-stream and isn’t going to be giving us the six main Watchmen in 2013. Which is it? If it’s the latter, then they SERIOUSLY misrepresented the make-up of the sub at SDCC.

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