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Hasbro: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Legends Gamora and Nebula Video and Quick Pics

Hey Hasbro, how have you been? Good? Cool. Yeah, I’ve been good too, staying busy. What’s that? No, I didn’t know you planning to crank it to 11 and put out import quality Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 figures. Is that so? Yeah? Let me just look at this Gamora and Nebula and judge it for myse…..oh mah gah these are amazing!!

I’m going to start this off and say that I can’t praise these two figures enough. Sure, Gamora is a little wobbly to stand, being on high heels and stiff detents, and both figures have very little ab crunch, but just look at them! Gamora’s face, while a little bored, is probably the best looking bored face I’ve seen on a $20 action figure, at least in a long long time. If I were to make a wild guess I would say that Hasbro has incorporated some kind of print tech to paint the eyes and facial features. We kind of saw it with the GotG2 wave 1 Star-Lord, where you could see some pixels when you get close or take a macro shot. It’s harder to tell if that’s exactly what’s going on with Gamora but you can’t deny the results. And that’s an amazing likeness.

Nebula is no slouch either, even though her eyes are mostly blacked out the resemblance is uncanny. Adding the fantastic sculpt on the rest of the body and paint apps to make you cry tears of joy, this is the Nebula we’ve been waiting for since the first movie debuted. Both of these figures are, really, after swinging back around and looking at the first movie’s Gamora figure. This one puts that to shame. Utter, disgraceful shame.

Seriously, I can’t get enough of these two. I almost feel like I don’t need an import version. If one were to pop up I’d get it just for the sake of comparing but these two are going to be hard to beat.




Gamora accessories:

Nebula accessories:

