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Masters of the Universe Classics Feature – Two Bad

Two Bad_01The 2014 Club Eternia subscription kicked off with a bang this month with one of the last vintage evil warriors from Skeletor’s crew — Two Bad! Unfortunately he will not be for sale this Wednesday as Two Bad is exclusive to Club Eternia subscribers.  That’s a shame because this figure turned out pretty great.

Two Bad_02

Two Bad® Bio
Real Name: Tuvar and Badra

Originally hired as bounty hunters to track down He-Man®, Tuvar and Badra were magically fused together in an unrepeatable spell by Skeletor® in retribution for their failure. Now called “Two Bad®,” this new multi-headed creature became a mixed blessing for the Evil Warriors. When his two heads are working together Two Bad® is nearly as clever and devious as Skeletor® and his advantage in battle is doubled. However his two heads rarely get along. Quite often the two heads will bicker with one another just at the wrong moment. Two Bad® is double trouble, twice the plotting power of other evil foes.

This bio is pretty much a retelling of the Two Bad origin episode from the 2002 cartoon, which is not really a bad thing, but not terribly interesting either.  I do like the idea that he can, when not bickering with himself, be extremely dangerous.


Two Bad comes with a double-headed mace and a shield and both are cast in solid plastic with no warping.  The shield has a Two Bad-specific arm clip that is designed to slide on and off the fins on the left forearm.

This works pretty well, but it limits the shield’s utility to use with Two Bad as it doesn’t even clip on the right arm.  The other issue I have with the shield is that it is a bit too glossy, and they dropped the metallic orange accent paint.

I hate to see them drop paint aps that were present on the prototype, and those metallic accents always add a lot to the final figure.

Two Bad_25 Two Bad_26Sculpt

The sculpting on Two Bad is really impressive.  As always, the 4H delivered on a truly monstrous visage, this time times two.

Two Bad_27 Two Bad_28The blue face has an evil sneer with sharp vampire fangs protruding from curled lips.  I’m reminded of the creepy Calibos creature from Clash of the Titans, which is a good thing in my book.

Two Bad_29 The purple head sculpt has an interesting squat wrinkled texture to him.  The prominent jaw and brow make me think that Ron Perlman should play this guy in the live action film.

Two Bad_30The other great thing about the purple side is all the detail packed into his boot and gauntlet.  There are a couple different rough metal textures in there, and the paint adds to the rough metallic feel of the sculpt.  The rough metal knuckle duster on the left hand is also a unique touch.

Two Bad_31I like how the smooth blue side contrasts the purple scaly side in texture. I also love how there are two pretty unique-looking monsters mashed together here and the beauty of each side makes me want separate Tuvar and Badra figures more than I ever have in the past.

Two Bad_32A cool feature of the sculpt is that the clips of the armor are actually integrated into the shapes on the armor itself and blend in perfectly.  The only issue I have with the sculpt is that the heads are just slightly too close together, so close they bump against each other when looking straight ahead. A little separation between these two heads would have been nice.

Two Bad_33Articulation

Two Bad has the standard MOTUC articulation, and his loin cloth allows for good leg movement.  Unfortunately the sculpt on the blue side’s ankle does limit forward movement on that joint quite a bit.

Two Bad_34Paint

Paint is decent on Two Bad except for the previously mentioned dropped paint aps on the shield.  I would have liked a little wash to highlight the beautiful hammered metal texture of the left side boots.

Two Bad_35The right side has the standard MOTUC muscle-defining shading, and the armor has the metallic orange highlights that the shield was missing.

Two Bad_36Overall

A few nitpicks aside, this figure is quite good.  I’ve never been a big fan of the character or the design of Two Bad, but I can appreciate it now that I have this extremely detailed figure.

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