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Hasbro: Star Wars Black Series Fan First Wednesday Reveals!

25 thoughts on “Hasbro: Star Wars Black Series Fan First Wednesday Reveals!

  1. If Hasbro is willing to revisit the shelf warmers of Rogue One, it gives me a new hope that they may be willing to revisit sequel characters as well.

  2. It didn’t help that for a long while the only ones released were Jyn, Cassian (both with AWFUL face paint, Cassian with his main look locked behind an exclusive 3 pack) and K-2SO. The rest didn’t come until MUCH later. I know a lot of people wanted Chirrut, I never even saw him in stores. It also didn’t help that stores were still choked with Finns, Zuvvios and Reys.

    But that was Disney dropping the ball on Rogue One marketing, in general. No comics, no games, only the 3.75 got full support.

    Rogue One is by far my favorite Disney SW film, and I know I’m not alone. There’s a reason Jyn won the Fan’s Choice poll, I know I voted for her. I’ll be getting Bodhi, rebuying Cassian and Jyn, trying to nab the two exclusives before the bots get em all (ha! I know) and still considering Chirrut and Maze.

  3. I disagree, the new Target-exclusive The Clone Wars Obi-Wan and the Walgreens-exclusive Clone Commander Obi-Wan are striking likenesses of Ewan. The problem isn’t the facial hair, it’s that the mold isn’t good, and the sculpted details aren’t sharp enough to make the most of the printing.

    That, and the figure’s articulation is lousy and the sculpt overall is undetailed and sloppy.

  4. So, I say this as someone who does not collect this line, bear in mind:

    Is there actually a demand for more Rogue One figures? I remember seeing these on pegs collecting dust in every single Walmart, Target, Best Buy, and Disney Store (I live near Orlando) I walk into even today.

    I’m concerned the only one of this whole lot that will sell is Revan. The rest will be with us until 2025.

  5. If that’s what people resort to then we’re a worse lot than I thought, but at least in that case it won’t wind up back on the pegs. I spent several years staring at pegwarming Jyns, I’ve no desire to do so again. Heck, there’s a Walgreens near me that still has Jyns and Cassians on their shelves (thanks, Five Below!).

  6. Because one figure is new, and another has a new headsculpt (at least, I’m pretty sure Cassian’s is new). Archive isn’t about improving older figures, it’s about rereleasing older stuff with face printing, regardless of whether or not the old sculpt is any good.

    And yes, I am salty about seeing that godawful Obi-Wan again, why do you ask?

  7. Does that really prevent people from swapping them, though? Buy a new one, take your old one and snap it off a the knee, put the old one in the tray. Bring it back and say “it was broken.” The people at Walmart or Target don’t care as long as you show them a receipt. (I don’t do this, but I have seen the returns in stores. Saw it with a photo real Lando.) The only REAL impediment to figure swapping is being able to find new figures to swap them with in the first place.

  8. I understand WHY they’re redoing Jyn and Cassian but, man, I am STILL finding those damn figures on shelves.

  9. I’m excited about Bib Fortuna.

    Also happy to see another version of Baze Malbus. I won’t miss him this time.

  10. I mean, to be fair, those figures are all terrible likenesses of the characters because they were from the era of TBS6 when the face paint was in the absolute toilet. As someone who has all the Rogue One figures, I’ll happily buy them again because I love Rogue One and these figures FINALLY look like the characters.

  11. Definitely buying all of these, they look fantastic! Plus a few extra K2s for JFO. And an extra Jyn and Cassian for the Eadu versions. Plus a few extra Blue Squadron pilots. And that Bodhi would make a fine AT-ST Driver..

    My wallet Hasbro! Have mercy!

  12. Honestly wish they’d do away with archive altogether. I’d much prefer to see everything on the mainline mural. It’s odd to see Thrawn, Shoretrooper, etc not with their respective groups.

  13. Hmm, those Rogue One redos should’ve been Archive. I bet you’ll see a ton of figure swaps with the old versions because our lot is full of scum and villainy.

  14. Eugh. That face-printed Obi-Wan really highlights how much that sculpt is an absolute stinker. No thanks, hard pass on that one.

    I’m glad to see Leia with the face printing though. And I love the new focus on the Rogue One crew; I’ll be scooping those up for sure. I think I’d have preferred Raddus or Saw or a Scarif Rebel trooper over Galen, but it’s nice to see R1 FINALLY getting the good toys it deserves. I had all the R1 figures back in the day, but I’ve kept them all in bins and off my shelves because the face paint wasn’t up to snuff with the rest of my collection.

    …good LORD, that Obi-Wan is bad. Like… it’s SO bad. It was bad for 2015, and it’s even worse now. I might have forgiven it if we didn’t just get TPM and AotC Obi-Wans that actually had good articulation schemes (except for those terrible Y-hips) and two Clone Wars-era Obi-Wans that have really solid Ewan likenesses. That’s FOUR Obi-Wans that show that Hasbro is perfectly capable of making a good Obi-Wan… and they released this old crap nobody wanted. Argh.

  15. I wonder what TBS HasLab is gonna be… not a vehicle so a creature? Rancor? (Bendu? haha probably not.)

  16. Listen close, everyone, I want y’all to stay out of my way as I nab those 501st clones.
    I will do what must be done,
    I won’t hesitate, nor show mercy!

    At long last the 501st collection shall be complete!

  17. Hmm, those Rogue One redos should’ve been Archive. I bet you’ll see a ton of figure swaps with the old versions because our lot is full of scum and villainy.

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