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ToyBiz: Marvel Legends Series 6 Deadpool

I was going to try and cheat on this review by taking pictures of the Knock-Off Deadpool that I just bought and posting them. BECAUSE, when I got my ORIGINAL To Biz Deadpool, he was so floppy and I hated the chest strap that I poorly superglued the joints and chopped up the chest strap and belt. But then I thought, if it were 2004, this is how I’d be reviewing it: all chopped and superglue-y.

As mentioned, this figure came out in ToyBiz’s amazing run of action figures. The year was 2004 and Marvel Legends collectors were elated with joy as their favorite X-Verse superhero made his debut. It would be his only figure for a while. So we were really happy. Until it became apparent that he was really hard to find, because everyone wanted him and there might have been low production numbers. Which is why you can find a carded one for around $200 on eBay. And why I picked up a knock-off.

Right, so, dilemma: review my chopped up one, buy a new one, or get a knock-off and review it? I channeled my inner Norm and went with the original. Therefore, superglue blotches, superglue mess and chopped up chest harness. I did take pics of my original Deadpool with the knock-off so you could see the differences.

Deadpool is on the Spider-Man Classics Daredevil base with some newly sculpted lower calves, feet, lower arms, and hands. And two heads, of course. Back in the day this was the best body that ToyBiz created, and it was a great fit for a character like Deadpool. It’s a good bit larger than average build and has some good height to it.

The articulation is still one of the better examples of engineering as much movement into a figure as possible. The shoulders hinge up, and I can only think of how cooler this figure could have been if ToyBiz had figured out how to engineer the shoulders with S.H. Figuarts double shoulder balls. Many will complain that this base figure looks too much like a marionette, sacrificing sculpt for articulation. And there is some truth to that, but you also have to remember — in 2004 this was still revolutionary.

Right Side Knock-Off, Left Side Original

Deadpool is packed with swag: two swords, two AK’s, a pistol, a base, and Doop. Yes, Doop. Back then ToyBiz would do things like pack a small character in with another one. It was a great way to get a Doop or Howard the Duck.

Right Side Knock-Off, Left Side Original

I like this Deadpool. It was a great figure to have. But you only really need it in your collection if you are collecting ToyBiz Marvel Legends. The two Hasbro versions are perfect for your modern Marvel Legends collection, especially the Juggernaut Series Deadpool.