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Ask Matty – 8/7/13 Special Edition


As you know, we are right in the middle of the “sub-sellin'” season at Matty Collector. The future of both the Club Eterina and Club Infinite Earths is in the balance, so if you are wanting to see them continue, head on over and check out the subscription order page. In the meantime, here are some answers to a few topic questions.

In talking about the MOTU line-ups for 2014 and 2015, you have said that you will get to the vintage MOTU and PoP and the “A-List” FilMation and Mini-Comic characters. Can you give us some examples of the the latter two? We know that a “Scorpion-like” character was teased, but who do you consider A-List among those groups?

Geldor would be an example of a mini comic character and Lord Dactus would be a 200X character to use as an example.

MOTU fans have gotten some teases at a couple of characters beyond what was fully revealed at Comic con for their sub, any chance for something like for the DC crew? Care to give us some sneak peeks, or at the very least, tell us what teams will get bolstered in 2014?

Alas with DC there are a few more logistical steps involved with the line as it is a licensed line so we don’t have more teases at this time.

Looking at a “worst case scenario” and neither the DC or the MOTU subs make it in 2014, what happens to Matty Collector? Where those lines go, doesn’t Matty follow? What would be left for that site if the two main things are removed?

At this time we are focused on selling the subs in. We’ll cross that bridge when and if it happens.

If after 2015, MOTU Classics would come to an all intents and purposes close, would it be possible to re-brand the property and still essentially get the same kind of figures? For example, there is a TON of FilMation left to get to, could those unique characters, supplemented by demanded A-List variants support a full line that could take the stage after vintage Classics is completed?

No. This is it. If we can’t get enough sub holders in 2014 likely the 6″ line would wrap up. If we can’t sell the more popular vintage figures it will be even harder to sell a sub sect of the brand in its own sub.

You said in the Fwoosh interview that MOTU as a property has “a lot going on with the brand right now”. We have a comic and a movie is in development. Couldn’t it be possible to re-think Classics as a marketing tool (advertisement) for the brand and not just a toy line. What I mean is, since MOTU is a Mattel-owned property, just like G.I. Joe is for Hasbro, isn’t there an interest to be able to keep the brand out there while these things come together? As a marketing tool, could that help with the life of the Classics line? If it goes away, we are left with very little merchandise out there.

That is correct. If it goes away you will be left with less product. That is why everyone should sub up.

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