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Toy Biz: Marvel Legends Archive – Wal-Mart Exclusive Giant-Man Series Review

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Welcome to the official Fwoosh Marvel Legends Archives. In this topic you will find complete and accurate (to the best of our abilities) information on every character in every series of Marvel Legends. We will feature release dates, figure information (including variant information, accessories, points of articulation and sculptors), and links to pictures in the Fwoosh Archive (as they become available). We hope that this will be a good resource for current fans of the line and anyone wanting some background information on Marvel Comics Greatest Superheroes and Villains.

This guide is an on-going work-in-progress. We will continue to update the guide as new information, picture availability and series are released so check back often. Please remember: this guide is for YOU so if you have and questions, comments or condemnations let us know.


Giant-Man is the Build-A-Figure for this wave of action figures. Standing some sixteen inches tall, Giant-Man is the perfect BAF for collectors clamoring for more Avengers action figures! Based on the Series 9 Bullseye we get what might be the most perfect version of Henry Pym ever. This is a beautiful figure to display and play with and has all the articulation you could ever want and more!

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 36
Base/Accessories: N/A
Production Year: 2006


The perfect Thor. Seriously, since the Series 3 Thor collectors have been begging for a figure more representative of comic Thor. And they got one. Despite it’s near perfectness, there are 2 major flaws that really hurt this figure. The ball hips are very small and don’t work all that great. The other flaw is the really loose ankles joints. Otherwise this Four Horsemen Studios sculpt is a great addition to the Avengers shelf.

Sculpted by: The Four Horsemen
POA: 31
Base/Accessories: Hammer MJOLNIR, Giant-Man Hand(Right)
Production Year: 2006


It’s not Hank Pym, but if you bought another and did a head swap it could be. Instead Toy Biz packed in Scott Lang, the current Ant-Man into our collections completing not one, but 2 potential spots in our Marvel Legends collections. This is another great figure and a new unique sculpt loaded with great articulation.

Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 34
Base/Accessories: Removable Helmet, Giant-Man Arm(Right)
Production Year: 2006

Captain Britain

Captain Britain is a great character and one that Marvel Legends collectors were screaming for! Built on the Series 10 Black Panther was not what fans were wanting. Captain Britain should be a large, giant character and putting this guy on a small buck like Black Panther has left collectors everyone doing a Picard.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez & Sam Greenwell
POA: 36
Base/Accessories: Giant-Man Leg(Right)
Production Year: 2006


Havok! Finally the brother of Cyclops makes it Marvel Legends. This should have everyone rejoicing. Perfectly planned on the Bullseye buck and, wait not quite, it seems that the lower legs were changed. Now Havok is sporting really big clown feet and weird looking shins/calves. I’m not quite certain what Toy Biz is doing but this looks really silly. And well so does his head, there are collectors out there that like action faces, but this just looks… odd. But we have Havok!

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez & Sam Greenwell
POA: 36
Base/Accessories: Giant-Man Leg(Left)
Production Year: 2006

Sentry – Long Hair

Who is Sentry? He’s Marvel’s equivalent to Superman, kind of? I guess. No idea, but the figure looks ok. It’s another figure taking advantage of the Black Panther base and it works. The new parts look great and this is a great looking figure, even if the head is kind od small. I have no idea how tall he is supposed to be.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 36
Base/Accessories: Giant-Man Arm(Left)
Production Year: 2006

Sentry – Short Hair

Same as the Sentry above but with short hair.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 36
Base/Accessories: Giant-Man Arm(Left)
Production Year: 2006

Sentry – Long Hair Mustard Colored

Same as the first Sentry with long hair, the yellow is mustard instead of French’s mustard yellow.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 36
Base/Accessories: Giant-Man Arm(Left)
Production Year: 2006

Sentry – Short Hair Mustard Colored

Same as the Sentry with short hair, the yellow is mustard instead of French’s mustard yellow.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 36
Base/Accessories: Giant-Man Arm(Left)
Production Year: 2006

Sabretooth (Age of Apocalypse)

Age of Apocalypse fans rejoice! You now have AOA Sabertooth for your collection! I love this figure, it’s an all new sculpt and features some fantastic articulation. I don’t know what to do with this figure since I don’t have any other Age of Apocalypse characters, and I don’t want any.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 38
Base/Accessories: Giant-Man Foot(Left)
Production Year: 2006

Kitty Pryde (Astonishing X-Men)

Yay! Kitty Pride! Oh no! Kitty Pride. This figure is based off Kitty in her Astonishing X-Men look and it is a good traditional look for Pryde. However the figure is based on the Jessica Alba Invisible Woman Movie figure that can barely stand. It looks great, and is fun to play with, but as a display piece doesn’t work very well since it falls over constantly. Collectors are also complaining about the head sculpt, it doesn’t pop like many of the head sculpts we’ve grown accustomed to seeing.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 35
Base/Accessories: Giant-Man Upper Torso
Production Year: 2006


Finally! Ms. Marvel! I know this is one of my most requested characters and I am excited to finally be able to add her to my collection. Based on Series 6 Phoenix this is a great Marvel Legends addition. The face sculpt is fantastic and spot on for Ms Marvel!.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez and Steve Kiwus
POA: 40
Base/Accessories: Giant-Man Lower Torso
Production Year: 2006

AOA Weapon X

And now we know why we got Sabertooth. Wolverine is another character straight from the funny pages of the Age of Apocalypse story line. As mentioned before I haven’t read the series, and I kinda know the characters, but not enough to tell you how they look. Wolverine is a variation of the Series 6 Brown Wolverine with new lower arms, head and lower legs. The lower legs are a nice touch to make collectors who are complaining too tall Wolverines shorter. It does make him shorter, but doesn’t really work aesthetically. It’s a good solid figure and I’m certain AOA collectors are doing a collective cheer.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez and The Four Horsemen
POA: 32
Base/Accessories: Giant-Man Foot(Right)
Production Year: 2006

AOA Weapon X – Burnt Face Variant

The sculpt is the same, only this time we have a burned face. This will be a fun head to have as you can swap it onto your Brown Wolvie and make him battle damaged.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez and The Four Horsemen
POA: 32
Base/Accessories: Giant-Man Hand(Left)
Production Year: 2006