Welcome to the official Fwoosh Marvel Legends Archives. In this topic you will find complete and accurate (to the best of our abilities) information on every character in every series of Marvel Legends. We will feature release dates, figure information (including variant information, accessories, points of articulation and sculptors), and links to pictures in the Fwoosh Archive (as they become available). We hope that this will be a good resource for current fans of the line and anyone wanting some background information on Marvel Comics Greatest Superheroes and Villains.
Marvel Legends – Series 6
A collector demanded character Cable finally makes his appearance in Marvel Legends. Oddly enough, before his father Cyclops. Cable is drawing some discussion on the fwoosh as there is debate over whether or not he is big enough. Many are wanting some kind of Colossus sized figure while others are ok with this size. Another one of those listed versus artistic license discussions about scale that the fwoosh loves to have.
Brown Cable
A great paint variant of his First Appearance look. I’m partial to this version as it’s not “just another X-Men” costume and has some personality for this out of time soldier.
Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 43
Base/Accessories: Transformable Hoverbike/Gun w/ clear stand
Production Year: 2004
Do I need to say more?
Sculpted by: Paul Kamoda, Steve Kiwus, and Gentle Giant Studios
POA: 40
Base/Accessories: Doop, Clear Action Stand, Swappable Head, Two Semi Automatics, Two Swords, Two Sais, One Pistol
Production Year: 2004
Seriously? Doop! I have the version with the X on his belly! Sweet!
Sculpted by: Paul Kamoda, Steve Kiwus, and Gentle Giant Studios
POA: 40
Base/Accessories: Doop, Clear Action Stand, Swappable Head, Two Semi Automatics, Two Swords, Two Sais, One Pistol
Production Year: 2004
Whoa. This figure is huge. I mean huge. Juggernaut here seems to be built off an earlier Hulk Classics Hulk and is a huge piece of plastic. There’s a lot of debate about if this figure should be this size, but, hell, he’s huge and imposing. And he has a removable helmet with a snazzy head sculpt underneath.
Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 40
Base/Accessories: Removable Helmet, Broken Gate Base
Production Year: 2004
Movie Punisher
A Thomas Jane action figure. I get the whole movie action figures in Marvel Legends to tie in with recently released movies. It’s good marketing. The figure is really good and for customizers looking for a great base figure that’s wearing pants and a t-shirt this is a great figure. Someone should make G.I. Joe customs from the figure.
Sculpted by: Gentle Giant Studios
POA: 37
Base/Accessories: Removable Jacket, Circular Display Base, Rifle, Bazooka, Machine Gun, and Pistol
Production Year: 2004
Brown Wolverine
One of the most coveted versions of Wolverine, collectors are screaming for this figure. Many collectors fall into either the Tiger Stripe version or the Brown Costume Wolverine. Getting it’s debut in the late John Byrne issues of Uncanny X-Men, this costume eventually became a huge hit in the ’80s and still is popular today. Wolvie here sports an all new sculpt.
*Updated June 2014*
Original Pics
Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 39
Base/Accessories: Dojo with Ogun Master Base, Removable Sword
Production Year: 2004
Jean Grey makes her debut in her most popular form Phoenix. In the ’70s Marvel took us on a crazy ride with the X-men, one that continues to haunt and plague comic readers today. Featuring a modified Series 4 Elektra this figure is a huge improvement with the new hips. Great range of motion and the increased posing is really great.
Dark Phoenix
Dark Phoenix is a no brainer. The evil part of Phoenix, this mad force of nature deserved to be immortalized into plastic. The figure is no different than Phoenix, just sports a new paint job.
Sculpted by: Steve Kiwus
POA: 40
Base/Accessories: Phoenix Fire
Production Year: 2004