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Hasbro: Marvel Legends Captain America: Civil War Iron Man Mark 46

Hasbro Marvel Legends Captain America Civil War Iron Man Mark 46 featured

Iron Man Mark 46 is the latest armor to be released in 6-inch scale, coming as part of Hasbro’s Marvel Legends Giant-Man series. The Mark 46 is featured in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War movie and, to date, is the favored Hasbro Iron Man action figure.

Getting a good Iron Man action figure from Hasbro is a challenge; they are either too small or the proportions are off or they just don’t quite look right. Starting with the Mark 42 from Iron Man 3 collectors started to see an Iron Man with larger proportions as mentioned in the Fwoosh review. The Mark 34 from Avengers: Age of Ultron was a repaint of the Mark 42 that the Fwoosh covered, and both figures are close to being decently proportioned figures. Where those failed to meet that perfect fit of size and proportions, the Mark 45 nails it.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Captain America Civil War Iron Man Mark 46 0

This figure looks great, it captures the “movie” aesthetic that collectors want, while also delivering realistic proportions, like bigger feet and hands. The legs also lose the gangly scarecrow look and are more uniform in their bulk all the way down. In fact, this armor is so well done it will finally unseat Figma’s Mark 7 from my comic-turning-movie shelf. It’s that good, in my opinion.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Captain America Civil War Iron Man Mark 46 1

The articulation is sharp as well; it’s got all your standard Marvel Legends joints and you can pretty much pose the crap out of it. The chest joint may have more range of motion than the Mark 42/43 and it really pops. Both sets of hands move forward and backward with little forearm infringement, and the head has a great range of motion. The only real issue that collectors will have is the the hips. I’ve found that the barbell joint is either loose or too tight as the legs kind snap back into the vanilla position. Actually, the right leg crosses the middle plane of the body. Additionally, either the thigh armor or the crotch armor is too high or too low, prohibiting Iron Man from sitting down. For the most part, this is a trivial issue, but for those of you wanting to put him on the couch for an evening of pizza and football, well, you are out of luck.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Captain America Civil War Iron Man Mark 46 2

Paint is rarely mentioned in these reviews as the Fwoosh accepts that Habro will never go all-out on paint. And while there is some gold, silver, white, and touches of blue, the overall look of the figure is solid. However, customizers should see this figure as a golden opportunity as it could benefit from a solid, professional, paint job. The molded red is my favorite to date, but it would be great to see a customizer paint a metallic candy apple red scheme.

The accessories are on the thin side; this figure comes with a large part of the Giant-Man Build-A-Figure, but it also comes with extra hands and some blue blasts. Iron Man has both fists and open-palm hands. The open-palm hands and the boots have holes in them so the blue blasts can attach to them. There is a lot of fun to be had with these parts for both action-posers and the collector who likes to play with their toys in the bath tub.

This figure is a great addition to the Marvel Legends shelf and it is great to see Hasbro get it right. Now, go back an make a Iron Man 1 movie Mark 3 and a classic comic Model 4.

This figure is not yet available for order.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Captain America Civil War Iron Man Mark 46 3

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11 thoughts on “Hasbro: Marvel Legends Captain America: Civil War Iron Man Mark 46

  1. It’s the old Mk43 helmet. If it’s looked head on it looks rubbish as it shows up this Iron Mans longer neck. It’s not too long, but it’s not compatible with this body – hence the angle.

  2. Does it come with an extra open helmet head or did you just swap it out with the Mk. Whateverthelastonewas ?

  3. Yeah Iron man isn’t known to do any sort of odd poses that require an insane amount of flexibility in the hips anyway… unlike spiderman.

  4. I think if the red were different I would feel better about it. Darker, or just some shade that still reflects the movie but isn’t the same as all the previous figures.

    I recently made a display of my Iron Man figures, and it just seemed like a sea of red orange and yellow.

    I wonder if it hurts me that the first Iron Man is still my favorite because of how beefy the figure feels?

  5. I mean, every part is new. The head, upper torso and lower torso are noticeably new, the legs are thicker, the feet are bigger, the shoulder armor is attached to the shoulder as opposed to the upper torso, and the wrist guard doesn’t annoyingly cover part of the actual wrist; otherwise, it’s just subtle differences.

  6. Until I watched a Glenn Webb review the other day I would have sworn this was a re-release.
    Even knowing that, I can’t really identify anything beyond the squinting reactor that’s new.

    Would it be that hard to make the reds look different? Something?

  7. I’m not the biggest fan of Iron Man figures, if only because they are over abundant, but I like this one. I’m still on the fence about ordering a case assortment, because the only figures I desperately want are Black Panther and the SHIELD army builder but this is pretty so might tip me over the edge to getting it.

    Bit disappointed to hear about the hips but its not a huge issue really, I tend to have my Iron Men posing in fairly standard standing positions anyway.

  8. Looks very promising. Still no waist articulation? And would’ve been nice to have four blast pieces, but hey, it’s Hasbro. Ya take what ya get.

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