Iron Man’s Mark 43 armor makes its first and last appearance in Marvel’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron movie out in cinema’s right now. The armor is the follow to the Mark 42, which we saw in the Iron Man 3 movie. Tony Stark is going through Iron Man armors like Spider-Man goes through web. He just can’t get that armor right.
It’s tough to find words of love for all of Tony Stark’s armors. From a marketing point of view, there is a goldmine of cash waiting for Marvel, Hasbro, and everyone else in these armors. Each change, update, etc. translates into new product that we want to get our hands on and they want to make money on. And this is good, as the armors do look better with each movie and with each toy. I still like the Mark 7 the most of the movie armors, but I would love to see it more streamlined. The Mark 43 isn’t as cool as the Mark 45, and the appearance of the 45 has me wondering if Hasbro has plans to make this armor. It would be a killer armor to have on shelf. Until then, we’ll have to live with the 43. Or the 44, the Hulkbuster armor. Yeah that one.
The Mark 43 as an action figure is very good. There are some areas of improvement, but it looks like the armor in the movie. The head sculpt, both masked and unmasked, are very well done and I love the sculpt on the open faceplate head. It’s a great feature and one that was not a part of the Mark 42. My only nitpick with this figure is the proportions of the arms and legs. I know that each Iron Man armor is supposed to be tighter and tighter fitting, but there is no way that Tony’s hands and feet are that small. It would be great to see some thickness to these parts of the body. If Agent Coulson is an average male, there is no way in hell that he is fitting in this armor. The action figure could use some proportion work.
The articulation is all there and I am super happy with every bit of it. It’s easy to love the articulation since it is Marvel Legends formula and works. I’ve had no problem posing this guy. The breakdown is as follows:
Rocker ankles
Hinged ankles
Shin swivels
Double knees
Swivel thighs
Ball hips
Swivel Waist
Hinged abs
Ball shoulders
Swivel biceps
Double elbows
Swivel wrists
Hinged wrists
Hinged neck
Ball head
There’s not a lot in the way of accessories with this figure, just a head, not even extra hands. Nonetheless, the open faceplate head makes up for the lack of accessories. I think I can safely say that this head can be popped onto any movie Iron Man action figure with relative ease.
If you are into the movie figures, then I would recommend picking this figure up. It’s a good, solid figure despite the shrinking of the limbs. You can get him today at: