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DC Universe Classics Super Powers Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman Preview

A preview of the carded samples of the Mattel Super Powers tribute Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman figures.


I am getting ready to leave for the San Diego Comic Con, but we just got several new Matty Collector items at the Fwoosh office and I wanted to give a quick preview of some highly anticipated new figures: the Super Powers tribute Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman!



I promise that I will have a full First Look at all of these figures next week when I get home from SDCC, but I hope some carded pictures will help tide you over until then. The first half of the six figure “Kalibak” series, the “Big Three,” are adorned in their Super Powers decos. I think that this series will probably divide the fandom, but as a first thought, I think they look really, really nice in the package, and Superman in this lighter blue costume has been fan-demanded for a very long time.

I am normally a tried and true “opener,” but it is going to be really hard to take these guys out of the package because they look so cool carded. However, I will be tearing into these early next week, so please check back for them after the SDCC dust settles.

For now, though, enjoy the carded pictures!







12 thoughts on “DC Universe Classics Super Powers Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman Preview

  1. Yeah, I wished Mattel would have given us a different head on Superman and cloth capes. It’s a lot of $$$ change$$$ for repaints.
    A Curt Swan head ….or something different would have really been nice. I’m thankful to Mattel for so many great figures that I wouldn’t have if not for them. But we went through a lot of pain. Still, all in all, thanks….Mattel.

  2. I will say nothing out of malice and just stick to facts and my borderline opinion. After all like it or hate it,art(and this is art) is subjective.
    Speaking of which I have unrestrained merriment for the packaging art!oooh the joyful colours!.. and the dynamic roll call on the cardback! Lol. No restraint here,Patrick R. Lol-Dare I say, it’s the best aspect of the product,being that the product is just rehash. Beautiful blister card surrounded by the now standard matty white box.
    Fact: I love SUPERPOWERS. Fact: I love WW and the world’s finest,and yes,in that order.
    However,I am happy with my DCUC versions(and DCD/DCC) and see no reason to spend my money on these.
    I just bought CIE DC Comic’sICE “Maiden” from Matty because bbts or other e-tailers weren’t selling her figure. Eg,Toywiz and bbts both sell Ultra Total Heroes and I acquired one from the latter just to avoid dealing with Matty.
    Fact: it is a glass-half-full-thing with me. I am OK with the DCUC line and cool with every figure I have. It is the ones I do NOT have that are the issue.
    The ONES that toyguru Promised to us! He seems to be biased toward”Masters”(MOTUC)
    I said,”seems”.I have no facts to prove it. While I love He-man and Tela too, I also have NO C&C jagged bones standard-“unleashed”DOOMSDAY!
    ,Red Tornado(modern variant)
    Mento, The Chief,
    The Ray, Cowboy-Vigilante, Shinning Knight,
    Jesse Quick,Liberty Bell,Miss Martian Dawnstar,XS..etc and so on and so on…
    Fact: CIE(club infinite earths)was established to finish up/COMPLETE Dcuc TEAMS!
    Who the hell has Batzarro on a team?! Uh!?What? Huh?
    IMHO: every character from Bruce Timm’s JLU should have been on the short list for production. I am talking said hero or villain here, NOT Timm’s drawing style, but characters like AZTEK, WAVERIDER, CRIMZON AVENGER, ANGLE MAN, KILLER FROST, GOLDFACE,THE KEY-Dcuc style.
    The high prices,broken promises,regurgitated product and ill marketing coupled with the oft customer service fiascos just adds up to a big CRISIS Sized “NO-THank You”.
    Perhaps,they-or someone-gets it right in the future. Hopefully. Someday.

  3. dang, I wish they were $18 or $20 on mattycollector cause now I kinda want them…but lets be honest, $30 with their $12 shipping is wallet murder for REPAINTS.

  4. I just wish they’d fix that face on Super Man. I hate it, I’ve always hated it, and I’m always gonna hate it.

  5. Had a thought. If these had used the old cloth capes with the C-clip instead of the standard plastic ones, they might have hit that retro niche for me. Sure, they wouldn’t fit with the rest of the collection, but that would’ve been something to make them not slightly-changed repaints.

  6. I admire your restraint. Truthfully, anyone who’s dealt with Matty with any regularity has had a problem at least once. Some people are more forgiving, some people are blind to it, some of us are just tired and will vote another direction with our money.

  7. The blue on Superman’s uniform is not the accurate light-blue of the figure that flooded eBay a few years back, not to mention the S/ is too small. Why can’t Mattel even do “thank you’s” to fans right?

  8. I am just going to say bad things….they look so nice, but I’m in a bad place with Mattel.

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