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Alvis Underground – Cimmerian Conversion Kit

Conan_01The Cimmerian Conversion Kit is a third-party accessory pack that allows you to easily transform a Masters of the Universe Classics figure into a Conan-like character.

Conan_02 Conan_03 Conan_04What you get:

Conan_KitThe kit comes with a newly sculpted sword, head, and bone necklace.  The head has a grizzled, battle scarred visage with thick features that certainly recall Conan as illustrated by Frazetta.

Conan_05 Conan_06 Conan_07The sharp sword sculpt is right out of a Frazetta painting and has a great metallic paint job.

Conan_08 Conan_09 Conan_10The necklace is the same one from the Duskfang conversion kit and rests perfectly on the standard MOTUC figure’s chest.

Conan_11 Conan_12All the pieces are cast in a nice stiff plastic, which is great for the sword, but limits the head posability slightly.

Conan_13 Conan_14 Conan_15The paint on all of these is really nice and sharp with plenty of shading details.

Conan_16 Conan_17 Conan_18It’s also great how well the paint matches up with the King Grayskull body.  The whole kit is super easy to use and adds so much fun to MOTUC collecting for me.  As a customizer, I appreciate the amount of work that goes into these pieces and how much work it would take me to make this character in MOTUC, so this kit feels like a good value to me.

Conan_19 Conan_20 Conan_21As a collector, it’s really great to add some additional iconic characters to my Masters of the Universe crew.

Conan_22 Conan_23 Conan_24Alvis Underground was selling the Cimmerian Conversion Kit on his website here.  It doesn’t appear to be available anymore, but there are some other great kits for sale, and sometimes Alvis brings back sold out items, so keep your eyes peeled if you want one.

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11 thoughts on “Alvis Underground – Cimmerian Conversion Kit

  1. He can look straight ahead, my posing creativity is at fault there, not the figure.. Looking up is an issue as you might expect.

    The Nepthu staff is from the 4 Horsemen’s Scarabus figure. Great figure worth owning.

  2. And now Vikor gets a new head he doesn’t need, until I can find me a cheap Grayskull to put it on that I also DON’T need.
    Thanks fer nuthin’ Mr, Matt K.

  3. That’s pretty cool, but like Tom said, Vikor is practically Conan anyway. (He even has the skull necklace). So $30.00 seems a bit steep for a head and a sword.

  4. it isn’t bad but Vikron is basically Conan already. I agree with some of the things smash toys said. I think a bit more tweaking is needed to polish the sculpt up a bit on the head.

  5. Does the stiff hair cause the figure to have a constant slightly looking down pose?? It appears that way from your photos .

  6. Hmmm, this doesn’t quite meet my expectations of what Alvis can usually do.
    The sculpt seem very raw and unfinished, and the hair sculpt is barely acceptable.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think the idea shows a lot of promise. It just needs a bit more polishing before it should’ve been approved for re-production.

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