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Fwoosher Feature – DEADPOOLISTHEMAN316

The Fwoosh is lucky enough to have some of today’s best toy photographers posting in our forum. Every other week, we’re going to bring one of these talented Fwooshers Into the Spotlight to talk about what they do and why they do it. Kicking things off with a bang is a name that we’ve all become familiar with: DEADPOOLISTHEMAN316!


The Fwoosh: Would you tell us a little about yourself?

DEADPOOLISTHEMAN316: My name’s Emilio Ramos Jr. and currently I’m a dispatch coordinating manager. I never grew out of my love of “toys,” so when I was able to start working at the age of 15, that’s when I started to collect them with whatever income I was able to bring in. I was an avid reader of Toyfare Magazine and loved action figure photos, so when I did a random google search for action figure photos I stumbled onto the Fwoosh. My world was changed. I found a community of people like myself and gave my collection some validity.


The Fwoosh: Why take photos of toys?

DP316: There’s something so appealing to have action figures “come to life,” so to speak. Taking photos of toys brings me back to when I was a kid using my imagination to create stories. Now I’m able to capture those mental images and stories in photography. It’s quite therapeutic.


The Fwoosh: What sort of setup do you use to take your photos?

DP316: I started off with a homemade blackbox. Just a cardboard box with a black t-shirt stapled around it. Used it for years; still do on occasion. My wife actually bought a light box set with spotlights and such that I often use too. My favorite is just shooting with a digital camera (either my Nikon Coolpix L4 or my Canon Powershot) using natural light for day shots and a simple flashlight for those ominous night shots.

The Fwoosh: What action figures did you own as a kid and have you photographed those toys?

DP316: I grew up on Masters of the Universe, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Transformers. The only toys I was able to save before my parents thought it was a great idea to give my stuff away to the neighbours because I was “too old for toys” were my TMNT stuff and my G1 Optimus. I’ve been fortunate to take photos of those and I love the retro look of those. I’m hunting flea markets for some old Masters of the Universe stuff, so I’m sure I’ll be taking photos of those soon enough.


The Fwoosh: What’s your favorite line to photograph?

DP316: Masters of the Universe Classics has been by far the most fun to photograph. They look fantastic in outdoor situations and those figures just allow the creativity to flow.

The Fwoosh: You’ve taken a lot of pictures over the years. Do you have a favorite or “personal best” photo ?

DP316: I don’t know if I have taken my best shot yet, but I think the one where I really started to hit my stride and was really a learning curve is the shot I took which I named “Strategy at Wayne Manor.” I really learned how to play around with lighting and usage of perspective along with use of props. I guess it’s more of a “catalyst” type photo for me.


The Fwoosh: What would you say to someone just starting in the hobby of toy photography?

DP316: I’d say be as creative as you want to be and don’t limit yourself. Also, be patient. Trial and error is key. Play with lighting, play around with poses… just have fun and “play.”

The Fwoosh: What do you do with your pics once you take ’em?

DP316: I mostly post them either on the Fwoosh or my Facebook account that I started specifically for my hobby.

The Fwoosh: You take a lot of pictures outside. Do you prefer “wild” shots to indoor shooting?

DP316: I do. I feel indoor shots are limited. You can only do so much. With the outdoors, there are so many different locals and opportunities for different types of photos. Since I travel all the time I do scout locations and bring a bag of toys with me just in case.


The Fwoosh: Have anything new to share?

DP316: I started up a Facebook page featuring my photos and some action figure talk. It’s not traffic heavy since I spend more time on the Fwoosh than I do there, but it’s just another thing I have fun doing

Thanks for sharing with us, DEADPOOLISTHEMAN316! Check out more of his pics in the gallery below!

Jason R Mink is the Man in the Ant Hill – 09/09/13




3 thoughts on “Fwoosher Feature – DEADPOOLISTHEMAN316

  1. Agreed. He’s got the composition of an artist and the playfulness of a child’s wild imagination. Such a great sense of ‘play.’

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