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Hasbro – Marvel Legends Archive Fin Fang Foom Series Review

Hasbro Marvel Legends Fin Fang Foom Series San Diego Comic Con Exclusive 2008 Fin Fang Foom featured

Welcome to the official Fwoosh Marvel Legends Archives. In this topic you will find complete and accurate (to the best of our abilities) information on every character in every series of Marvel Legends. We will feature release dates, figure information (including variant information, accessories, points of articulation and sculptors), and links to pictures in the Fwoosh Archive (as they become available). We hope that this will be a good resource for current fans of the line and anyone wanting some background information on Marvel Comics’ greatest superheroes and villains.

This guide is an ongoing work in progress. We will continue to update the guide as new information, picture availability, and new series are released, so check back often. Please remember: this guide is for YOU, so if you have and questions, comments, or condemnations, let us know.

Fin Fang Foom Series

Fin Fang Foom wave was released in 2008. The series was available as singles or as a special edition box set available at SDCC. This archive represents the SDCC box set and covers almost all the figures in the wave. The only one missing is the green Hulk, which was a variant of the grey Hulk below.

Hulk – Grey

Grey Hulk is an update to the earlier First Appearance Hulk from ToyBiz’s Galactus BAF Series 9. Hulk features an all-new sculpt and is quite impressive. It tries to stay closer to the original “listed” height and, in doing so, creates an interesting look. The head is OK, but misses a bit of the brutish look associated with a Grey Hulk. The arms are way too big! Well, not too big, but the inner arm between the bicep and the triceps are really thick, preventing Hulk from having his arms down by his sides. The legs are using a ball hip placed at a 45-degree angle, and the knees are using a “ball and socket” type of joint. The ankles are also a “ball and socket” but the lack of a rocker ankle really kills the poses.

Oh, and Hulk slap, again… No fists? Really?

Hulk – King Hulk

King Hulk is another in a long line of Hulks that use the War Hulk body. We’ve reviewed a previous version of Planet Hulk from the Annihilus Wave. King Hulk is based on his appearance from World War Hulk, when he went mental on Earth, again. It’s a good, solid piece of plastic. I love the updated head sculpt and the armored arm — great additions. The leg sculpt is sharp, but I wish they had fixed the knees inability to stand straight. It would make this figure really imposing!

Hulk – The End

Marvel did a couple of comics called “The End,” basically stories about certain characters and how they would meet their final end. It was pretty cool and some neat ideas came out of it. Hulk here is in his “The End” form, after he’s been eaten by giant cockroaches. I’d love to see a fully healed version of this Hulk. It’s a great sculpt, almost the same as the Grey Hulk but with some minor differences. Like Grey Hulk, The End Hulk has some inner upper arm thickness that keep him from putting his arms at his sides. He also shares the same leg articulation as grey Hulk — nothing terrible with the articulation, it works, but having a thigh swivel would have made squatting poses pop.

I’m on the fence with this figure; part of me wants to like it. But he seems small for Hulk, and the wounded look makes him hard to put into a display. But he has a fist! HULK CAN PUNCH!

Skaar – Son of Hulk

There is nothing positive to say about this figure. This is by far the worst Marvel Legend that I’ve come across. Yeah, worse than Scarlet Witch. While taking pictures and thinking about what I can say about this figure, I realized that I have nothing nice to say. I’ll say nothing at all.

She-Hulk – First Appearance

I like the choice of this figure in Marvel Legends. But, there is one minor problem that I do have with the figure, though: it’s too short! I don’t get it, I mean I get the reuse of SDCC 2008’s Shanna for the figure. It makes sense, but the figure is just too small. She-Hulk needs to be taller! Much taller! Other than that, the head sculpt seems a bit cartoony and would benefit from an updated sculpt. And rocker ankles, she needs rocker ankles.

Doc Sampson

YES! NO! First the YES! This is a pretty damn good rendition of Doc Sampson. Tall! Imposing! Muscular! A really good, solid action figure sculpt! And the chest ball joint works remarkably well. I do wish there were a bit more range of motion in the biceps, and this figure definitely needs rocker ankles.

NO! There are no thigh swivels! And since the hip pegs are jointed at 45 degrees, there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell you can get any bent legged poses out of him! If they had gone with ball knees, then yeah, but they went with double-hinged knees. All the pics are of him standing vanilla since, well, that’s all he can do.

There is a work-around for this figure in that you can move the hips from 45 degrees to 90, and I have done that with mine. Works like a charm!

Absorbing Man

Another great character and figure. Absorbing Man got his Marvel Legends start in ToyBiz’s Hulk Classics line, where he came with his wrecking ball and interchangeable arms. This classic Thor baddie is included in another Hulk wave, which is OK since Thor doesn’t seem to be able to carry his own series.

This figure is pretty well done. It’s a good, solid toy, fun to play with, and pretty much poses anyway you want it to pose. The sculpt is great in that he’s in mid transformation of some different properties. Honestly, I don’t know how else to do absorbing man without making 25 variants of him that won’t sell.


Wendigo is another Hulk favorite! Collectors wanted Wendigo and they got one. Now Hulk and Wolverine can recreate Wolverine’s first appearance as they battle Wendigo. Personally this figure does nothing for me. It needs rocker ankles, and the right hip constantly gets stuck, I have to hair dry it loose, this time around I couldn’t be bothered and the pics are done stiff hipped. Wendigo suffers from the same “can’t pus his arms at side syndrome” as Hulk.

Fin Fang Foom

Finally! Foom! YES! This classic Marvel baddie finally made it out into a Marvel Legends series. And wow! What a figure! This figure is huge and beautifully sculpted. It represents Foom as we all know and love him. With the launch of the Marvel Universe action figures, he’s a great crossover figure for both scales. Yeah he’s missing underpants, but seriously, what dragon wears under pants?

You can still get these figures at the following sites: – general search

eBay – SDCC search