Emma Frost
The latest female from Marvel Legends is Emma Frost and like most of the other females meets with mixed results. The figure isn’t great, from strange hips to rubbery legs to a squished oblong head she’s just not cutting the mustard. The best part of the figure? Her cape.
Hercules is a personal favorite and I waited a long time to see this figure hit the shelves. And imagine my disappointment. While this isn’t a horrible figure, it’s an incredibly fun toy, the sculpt on it leave a little to be desired. The chest sculpt and the arms are really off putting and the overall sculpt is somewhat cartoony. Not a total loss, but disappointing.
Beast (X-Men the Last Stand movie)
Planet Hulk
Planet Hulk is an interesting choice, it is popular with collectors due to the story line in the comic. However the figure only comes with his shield and armor, he’s missing his weapon. This figure is based on the old Hulk Classics War Hulk and featured a new head. This base figure is a good solid base figure and one worth picking up.
Ultimate Iron Man