I loves me some Hulk, he’s a big, giant mean machine, and I’m a sucker for collecting all the Hulk action figures. I recently decided to make a custom action figure from some spares that were sitting in a box, and Planet Hulk here made the sacrifice. Before we send him off, here’s an archive for you.
This figure was part of Hasbro Marvel Legends wave 1 — the Annihilus Series that came out in 2007. Hard to believe that it was that long ago, and harder to believe how far Hasbro’s come in their designs. This figure was a quick win in that it used the Hulk Classics War Hulk buck with a new head and add-on parts. The shield, chest strap, and helmet are all new parts. I love the tower shield, and at some point this will be mounted on my fantasy knight that I keep threatening to make. Oh, how glorious will he look with this awesome shield? That awesome.
While the new parts are stylized, meaning that they are chunky, rough, and not polished, they are true to the comic look. There was some complaining about the lack of an armored arm at the time, but that was later fixed with the World War Hulk version. If you want a good Planet Hulk, put the head and armor of Planet Hulk on World War Hulk and you’ve got yourself a decent Planet Hulk.
Planet Hulk was the brief story in Marvel Comics when, once again, the Hulk was banished from the Earth. The new planet on the other side of galaxy was a barbarian, gladiatorial world, and Hulk had to make it on his own as a fighter in the ring. Eventually he goes all Spartacus on the world and takes over. It’s a good arc and one that helps get Hulk back on track during a period when it seemed Marvel really did not know what to do with him.
The base figure is a good, solid figure and there isn’t much to report on it. Its continued reuse is testament to the overall look and engineering of the figure. This is a solid piece of work. The articulation is also solid. The only gripe being the knees — they really do need to be double jointed. Other than that, everything works as expected, and you get a good range of poses out of the figure. The articulation breakdown is:
Rocker ankles
Hinged ankles
Hinged knees
Swivel thighs
Ball hips
Swivel waist
Ball ab
Ball shoulders
Swivel bicep
Hinged elbow
Swivel wrist
Hinged fingers
Hinged neck
Swivel head
All in all, this is a good figure, but it’s not a perfect representation of Planet Hulk. It is very close and quite the awesome figure to display with all his kit. You can still find him on: