Trading up. We’ve all done it. It may be a new job, a new car — heck, even a new significant other. At one point or another we’ve parted with the old to make way for the new, and that has been happening more and more in our toy collections. If you’re a Marvel Legends fan, then you’ve recently had your chance of trading up to improved versions of many previously released figures. But for every beautiful new Black Cat, there’s an old Scarlet Witch haunting the back of our displays just waiting to be replaced. Here are ten Marvel Legends that definitely deserve updates. Bear in mind — these aren’t bad figures, they’re just not what they could be.
10. Iron Fist
When Danny Rand first appeared almost a decade ago, fans of the character were thrilled to finally get their hands on a plastic representation of the Living Weapon, but the figure has not aged well. While the head sculpt remains a nice representation of the classic Iron Fist design and his chest tat looks great, the ball shoulders, oversized collar and “slap hand” clearly date it. Danny has had a few new costumes since then and they would be easy-enough updates for Hasbro to tackle. Give fans the choice between his new look or the classic with a 50/50 split and we’ll all be bumping fists.
While Hasbro’s heart was in the right place when it gave fans the Tigra figure they’d been demanding, the company was still trying to get a handle on the line it had recently inherited. As such, Ms. Kitty was stuck with such “innovations” as elbros, kneebros, and weird pegged joints that never looked right. As the Nemesis wave of figures were actually holdovers from a few years before, the series looked dated before it even hit the shelves, which didn’t do the line any favors at retail. Hasbro’s Legends have improved significantly since then, so a new version of Tigra would be the cat’s pajamas.
8. Annihilus
Annihilus debuted waaay back in Fantastic Four Annual #6, but it took until 2007 to get a figure. And then — he was pink. Collectors cried foul, as the press image (above) showed the Lord of the Negative Zone if his full-blown, purple-hued glory, but it was too late. The Big Bug was out of the bag, so to speak — there was no going back. And while many broke out their paint brushes and got to work, the disappointment lingered. All the paint in the world couldn’t fix his wonky proportions or the soft, tacky plastic the figure was made out of. A new, more contemporary Annihilus figure could do a lot to quell the negativity — so to speak.
7. Hercules
To quote that old comic ad: Why is this man smiling? While we never actually got an answer to that query, we can assume that ol’ Herc here is just happy to be at the party. But all is not well in Olympus, or on our display shelves. Sure, the son of Zeus is a pretty jovial fellow most of the time, but his big, cheesy grin makes him look kind of odd in an otherwise stoic Avengers line-up. Couple that with his studio tan, narrow waist and overly vascular guns and Hercules wins himself a place on our list. But don’t throw out that Greek baby with the bathwater. This figure’s legs could certainly be reused for an update — it’s only once we hit his miniskirt that things go south. Er, north. Wherever.
6. The Black Queen
Now that Hasbro has produced a female body with some curves, its high time we got a new version of Jean Grey as the Black Queen. And while it’s unlikely her corset-and-stockings dominatrix garb would work these days at retail, she’d make an amazing exclusive. Pair her with a Byrne-era Cyclops and she’d make her original figure look like a bad dream.
5. Kang
A nice-looking figure, but Kang is a bit diminutive. In the comics he’s 6’3″ and clad in a battle-suit, but the figure’s lack of both height and mass makes Kang underwhelming next to his plastic Fantastic Foes. While his size alone may not be enough to sway you, if there’s one figure it’s okay to have multiples of, it’s ol’ Purple-Puss. With the countless versions of Kang bopping around the timestream, he’s the ultimate army builder!
4. Namor
The first Namor figure from ToyBiz had a terrific head sculpt and a substantially powerful frame, but the fact that it reflected the character’s Bronze Age look was a deal-breaker in the eyes of many collectors. Hasbro attempted to remedy the problem with a “classic” version, but its trend of downsizing product and minimizing paint applications and articulation left us with a pin-headed, undersized version of the Avenging Son. And while I’ve leaned to look the other way with the shortcomings, I’m lucky enough to own this guy — many collectors missed him the first time around and, flaws or no, he’s currently netting some big bucks on the secondary market. The time for a new Subby is nigh.
Namor’s sometimes-gal pal Sue has had a lot of butt-ugly figures. There’s just something about Susie that sculptors can’t get a handle on, all the more puzzling since she’s an attractive but average-looking woman in a tight-fitting bodysuit. Perhaps it’s the lack of distinguishing features that’s the problem. There’s nothing really distinctive about her to point to and say “Yep, that’s the Invisible Woman.” Well, other than her not being there, I guess. While all four of the Fantastics deserve updates, Sue needs one. Even if it was the Sharon Carter SHIELD agent head on the new female body, it would be an improvement over what we have now.
By virtue of his name alone, you think the good Captain would receive more respect from Marvel Legends, but he’s only had one entry in the line. Once again, he’s not a bad figure on his own, but he appears undersized next to normal human heroes like Captain America. Also, the original suffered from ToyBiz’s “more is less” policy of loading articulation in when it wasn’t needed, giving the figure one flappy salute-style hand and one gimpy fist. A new, buffer Captain with swappable hands would truly be a figure to marvel at.
You were expecting Scarlet Witch, right? Considering her high profile on the silver screen, I think it’s safe to say we can expect a new version of Wanda in the near future. Someone whose plastic future is more uncertain is the Silver Surfer. It’s unlikely he will appear in the new Fantastic Four movie, and FOX doesn’t seem interested in giving him his own film, so ol’ Norrin is depending on some comic book heat to push him back into the limelight. Well, that or Hasbro’s need for a quick fill-in figure — the only new tooling needed would be the head and board. While that would be an easy update, the Surfer is the perfect excuse for Hasbro to tool up a new base body that’s taller than Bucky Cap, but smaller than Hyperion. Either way, it would be an improvement over what we have now.
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