Welcome to the official Fwoosh Marvel Legends Archives. In this topic you will find complete and accurate (to the best of our abilities) information on every character in every series of Marvel Legends. We will feature release dates, figure information (including variant information, accessories, points of articulation and sculptors), and links to pictures in the Fwoosh Archive (as they become available). We hope that this will be a good resource for current fans of the line and anyone wanting some background information on Marvel Comics Greatest Superheroes and Villains.
This guide is an on-going work-in-progress. We will continue to update the guide as new information, picture availability and series are released so check back often. Please remember: this guide is for YOU so if you have and questions, comments or condemnations let us know.
Marvel Legends – Series 12
What an awesome figure! Alpha Flight is a hugely demanded team from collectors for Marvel Legends and this entrant is perfect. He’s HUGE! They amazingly were able to make this figure as a regular figure and not a BAF put him in a clamshell with a BAF piece. Amazing. Simply amazing. This figure has all the articulation you would come to expect from a Marvel Legend and every bit works perfectly. Topping out at 9-10 inches this figure is a beast to behold on the shelf. Now if Toy Biz would just make the rest of the team!
Update May 2014
Original Pics
Sasquatch – White (Variant)
This is white variant of Sasquatch, many refer to this as the second member of the Alpha Flight team, Snowbird. This was the form that she took when battling Sasquatch, and since she is a shape shifter that works for collectors.
Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 42
Base/Accessories: Apocalypse Arm(Right)
Production Year: 2006
Iron Fist
Iron Fist! Another classic character from Marvel Comics, huge in ’70s as part of the Heroes For Hire duo with Power Man the 2 were a big hit. Iron Fist was an attempt to capitalize on the super popularity of Bruce Lee and other “karate/kung-fu” film stars. The figure is ok, it featured the “lats” out articulation for extended karate poses. It’s a sharp figure and can pose in all the classic “HI-YAA!” poses you would expect.
Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 36
Base/Accessories: Apocalypse Leg(Right), Flame Attachments
Production Year: 2006
Iron Fist – Red Variant
The red variant of Iron Fist isn’t much different sculpt wise. Representing doppelganger Iron Fist from a twisted and confusing story line this figure isn’t a “required” part of any collection.
Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 36
Base/Accessories: Apocalypse Leg(Right), Flame Attachments
Production Year: 2006
Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men)
With the launch of the Joss Whedon Astonishing X-Men this Wolverine figure was a given. A return to the classic tiger stripe look this costume took Marvel readers by storm. The figure is exciting, properly scaled and features an excellent sculpt. If there is one major complaint, it’s that the figure is too scrawny, not wide enough in the bulk department and that the figure’s waist swivel is cut right in the middle of the belt making for some weird poses. A top notch figure!
Update May 2014
Original Pictures
Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men) – Unmasked (Variant)
The diference here is the head sculpt. This is a beautiful rendition of John Cassaday’s Logan. It captures Cassaday’s, no, Wolverine’s character to a tee.
Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 34
Base/Accessories: Apocalypse Leg(Left)
Production Year: 2006
Bishop is another ’90s favorite that finally made it into Marvel Legends. This is his first appearance look with the long flowing locks that really define his character. The figure is huge, the collector community is a bit divided on this one as he is ginormous. Many feel this a great portrayal of Bishop, while others feel the figure is just too big. Personally I think he’s to big, specially when you compare him to Series 6 Cable who should be huge.
Bishop – Bald (Variant)
I forget what Bald Bishop represents. Is this his Age of Apocalypse look? His modern look? Or some other earth look. I’m not entirely on the go with the bald version here.
Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 38
Base/Accessories: Apocalypse Mid-Section
Production Year: 2006
Who is X-23? Hold on. Wolverine’s clone/daughter/abomination or something like that. Uhm. Did we need another Wolverine in the Marvel Universe. Nevertheless we have one, and the figure is ok. Not great. It’s a marvelous attempt to make a juvenile figure in Marvel Legends. I like the sculpt and the attempt.
Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 32
Base/Accessories: Apocalypse Torso/Head
Production Year: 2006
X-23 – Variant
There seems to be a variant/running change. We have a dark version and a lighter purple version. Again I’ll have to refer to the experts to let me know what’s going on here.
Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 32
Base/Accessories: Apocalypse Torso/Head
Production Year: 2006
Maestro was a future Hulk from a cool story line in which Hulk goes into the future and… WAIT! FUTURE! TIME TRAVEL! I thought that was relegated to the X-Men! Why the hell are we poisoning the Hulk with time travel. Anyway this is future psycho Hulk, calling himself Maestro. It’s a neat figure, but compared to some of the Hulk’s from Hulk Classics he’s a bit undersized. Plus Maestro is portrayed as HUGE, and this guy is a bit on the small side. Collectors also wanted a huge amount of the accessories that he has in the comics.
Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 34
Base/Accessories: Apocalypse Arm (Left)
Production Year: 2006
After the Series 7 Apocalypse we needed an update. Hulk Apocalypse just wasn’t gelling with a number of collectors and they were looking for something that looked more like the comic. And we got one. Only it was a ginormous Build A Figure. It’s a great figure and wonderful sculpt, tons of articulation and the like. If this figure was only seven inches tall!
Sculpted by: The Four Horsemen
POA: 38
Base/Accessories: N/A
Production Year: 2006