They say pop culture is cyclic. As I get older I can certainly agree with this. It’s funny when my mom randomly asks me what I’m buying, or we go Christmas shopping and wander the Toys R Us aisles. Marvel Legends, okay, not a lot of nostalgia there from when I was a kid. Masters of the Universe. “I bought those for you when you were little!” Look at these Transformers. “You had so many of those.” Six inch Star Wars. “Those are bigger than I remember.” And Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. “Remember when you used to run around with the broom handle acting like you were Donatello? I bought a lot of those for you too.” TOO MUCH INFO! Now where is my six inch M.A.S.K. and G.I.Joes to make my personal culture circle complete? Bah! It’s Happy Hour!
New pics of the upcoming Bay directed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are coming hot and heavy!
You know, I’m strangely okay with these. I don’t know why. Definitely interesting either way. I know there is a big rift between fans at the moment, ranging from anticipation to extreme hatred. It wouldn’t be fandom if it was any other way.
I patiently wait and then I’ll judge. Anything is better than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Turtle in Time.
NECA once again hit Twitter with a sneak peek at the NES Predator!
I love the NES versions. While the sculpts are always excellent, a usual occurrence for NECA these days, the paints are what pull me in. I’m a HUGE fan of paintwork that can mimic light sources or 2d representations. These are right up my alley even though I don’t remember playing any of the actual games. I wonder what hoops need to be jumped through to take Dutch and Rambo to make NES Contra versions? I so remember playing the hell out of that game.
And then there’s this…
I kinda doubt that there will be this type of merchandise for the new TMNT movie. But I’ve been known to be wrong before.
Happy Hour’s over!