Welcome to the official Fwoosh Marvel Legends Archives. In this topic you will find complete and accurate (to the best of our abilities) information on every character in every series of Marvel Legends. We will feature release dates, figure information (including variant information, accessories, points of articulation and sculptors), and links to pictures in the Fwoosh Archive (as they become available). We hope that this will be a good resource for current fans of the line and anyone wanting some background information on Marvel Comics Greatest Superheroes and Villains.
This guide is an on-going work-in-progress. We will continue to update the guide as new information, picture availability and series are released so check back often. Please remember: this guide is for YOU so if you have and questions, comments or condemnations let us know.
Series 14 – Mojo Series (September 2006)
Mojo really made his name during the late ’80s whenever Arthur Adams took to penning Mojoverse stories in the Marvel Universe, specifically with the X-Men titles. He continued to be a fun character, specially when he was getting his ass handed to him by Longshot. This Build A Figure is welcome piece to the Marvel Legends Collection, beautiful sculpting and packed with articulation he’s ready to battle with Longshot and Spiral, or Longshot.
Baron Zemo
A long over due baddie, Baron Zemo appears to us in his classic look! Fighting against Series 1 Captain America this is a great figure to have. Certainly there will be those that are unhappy with this rather bland addition to the series, but they really don’t appreciate the importance behind Hr. Zemo!
Baron Zemo – Variant
And it wasn’t just cool enough to include Baron Zemo into this wave, but we also get his maskless melted face variation.
Falcon (Classic)
Falcon is another long overdue Captain America ally and it is great to see not 1, but 2 versions of him. Classic and modern. Falcon is utilizing Ant-Man’s buck with some new falcony parts. One thing to be aware of! It looks like paint overlays for the crotch on Classic and Modern are reversed.
Falcon (Modern)
Just like his classic counterpart but with modern costume paint apps. A great way to include 2 iconic looks for this character.
Iron Man (First Appearance Grey)
Finally! Another Iron Man! We can never get enough Iron Mans to fill up the growing armory. This armor and the paint variant will have some special places in collector’s hearts. First and foremost this is Iron Man as he first appeared in the comics, bulky wonky armor. It’s beautiful! Toy Biz did an amazing job with this figure, packed with articulation and beautiful sculpting. The figure looks great with the mask on, but the position of the maskless head on the figure looks… odd. Keep that mask on.
Iron Man (First Appearance Gold)
Just like his grey self this is the Golden Avenger version of his Grey Armor. It is missing a skirt to make the comic appearance right, otherwise spot on. I would love a Vac Metal gold version of this armor. That would be cool.
Arthur Adams’s comic collector favorite finally made an appearance in the Marvel Legends universe. The character is beloved and it’s great to see him get some plastic love. The figure has a great new sculpt and tons of articulation, but he does suffer from being a bit rubbery. It’s not terrible but it can cause shelf dives or prevent certain poses.
Luke Cage
Luke Cage is another of those top 10 characters that’s been begging to get made, we’ve finally got him and he looks fantastic! From his bitch-slap hand to his monster chain link belt. He looks great with Series 12 Iron Fist! And they can have all kinds of adventures with Spider-Man and Daredevil. Heck Luke can even join your Fantastic Four display if you are into that!
Pyslocke rounds out a number of entries to the Modern or ’90s era of X-men looks and characters. Sporting a new female base Psylocke is pretty killer figure. This might be the best female figure to date on a Marvel Legend, and the articulation supports the sculpt well. She’s not an over sized photo model and has a good solid athletic build. Now re-do Elektra!