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DC Universe Classics Top Ten Results – Fall ’08

dcuc.gifFinally. Jeez, we have waited long enough for the DC Universe Classics Top Ten finale, right? Well, after much anticipation we have the results for you. Did the Fates line up to make this a Gigantic Top Ten show (real subtle, right?)? The votes were much more split this time around (almost 1600 individual votes!) and there were a TON of characters that were voted on so the the vote was much closer and there was no run away victor. Exciting right? Want to know the results? Read on to find out.

To start off, we have been told by Toy Guru that Mattel is most interested to hear what C, D, E and F-Z list characters the fans want to see. The A and B-list guys will come in due time but the Top Ten has really evolved into getting help to those lesser-known characters. It looks like we are starting to comply as there are a few lesser-knowns on this list, and the possible character leak from the Wal-Mart computers may have given us a peek as to who we might expect from the next couple of series. Only time will tell if that turns out to be true, but hopefully we won’t have to wait long for the next round of reveals from Mattel…

We usually do this from the top down, so lets switch it up a bit and start with number 10 (draw out the anticipation, or skip to the bottom, I guess). Wait, there is a tie for the number nine spot, I guess that means we will start there:

#9 (tie) – Martian Manhunter: 27 votes

J’onn J’onzz continues to haunt the list, and, given his current lack of figure status, he might be sticking around. As of this very second he is the only one of the "Big Seven" of the Justice League that does not have an announced figure in the line. Around since the formation of the League he has been a staple of the DCU for decades, even though he is currently dead in the comics. That has never stopped Mattel though, and it is clear, the fans want the Big Seven completed. And soon by the looks of it.

#9 (tie) – Cheetah: 27 votes

Ah, the character many thought would be paired up with Wonder Woman (only to be bounced by the impressive Ares figure) clocks in at number nine. Cheetah has a long standing history with Diana of Themyscira and it is obvious that you want to recreate this classic girl fight. Which Cheetah do you prefer though? Pricilla? Barbara? Hmm… which ever version you prefer, just get us one so Wondy can pull her hair out.

#8 – Joker: 30 votes

But don’t we already have a few Jokers from the DC Superheroes and 2003 Batman line? Isn’t that enough? Aren’t we satisfied with orange pants? Of course not! Batman’s ultimate foil requires a sculpt with articulation that matches the current standards. This past year has been a big year for Mista J, but DCUC needs to join the party. Hopefully Toy Guru won’t keep us waiting too long, maybe he and the Horsemen are just trying to pick their favorite version to go with.

#7 – Ra’s Al Ghul: 35 votes

Joker and Ra’s? Don’t we have enough Bat-baddies already? You say nein! The Death’s Head is one of Batman’s intellectual equals and has posed all kinds of challenges for the Detective. Again, he has a few looks to choose from, but it looks like enough of you would toss your own mothers into a Lazarus Pit to get a figure of Ghul, so Mattel better make it snappy.

#5 (tie)-  Zatanna: 38 votes

Ah, Zee, who doesn’t love Zatanna? A backwards-talking spell-caster with a top hat and gams till next weekend is one of the strongest magic entities in the DCU. Or is it the Satellite-era Zatanna that you want with a purple cape and lobster on her head? Well, I want both, so Mattel has to pull double duty on this one. After Black Canary she is probably the most important lady-Leaguer we have not gotten yet so hopefully, we will see her soon.

#5 (tie)- Poison Ivy: 38 votes

Bat-villains here, Bat-villains there, Bat-villains everywhere! What, do you guys want this to go back to the old DC Superheroes line? Probably not, but Ivy is an important, ahem, thorn in the side of the caped crusader and probably the best known enemy that has yet to get a figure. We all know she will have lots of green on her, the question is, how much? Green skin or normal? I feel safe letting the Horsemen decide.

#4 – Huntress: 39 votes

That’s it. I am moving this thing to Gotham. It doesn’t seem to want to leave so we might as well start paying rent. Helena has gained in popularity quite a bit over the past few years (due to the Hush story line and Jim Lee’s costume maybe?) and she has jumped right into the Top Ten this Fall. Now, I know it is not official yet but from the last look I got, it seemed like The Question was wiping the floor with her in the Toy Fare fan poll so I have to wonder if she will even be considered for 2009. Again, only time will tell. Or Toy Guru could. Maybe we can twist his arm.

#3 – Power Girl: 40

A-ha! We have left Gotham for more alien pastures. Pee Gee is starting to become a staple in this thing and I think the only way she will leave is if we see a figure of her, and the sooner the better. This is one that I am really looking forward to. I have always been a big Power Girl fan and her status with the JSA makes me want her even more. Apparently you do too. I know it is due to heroic deeds and loyal nature, right?

#2 –  Black Adam: 47 votes

So we are getting Captain Marvel in series six, but not Black Adam? That almost seems like crime doesn’t it? Teth Adam here is gotten huge in the DCU as of late and I think that he has just as many fans as the Big Red Cheese. Maybe Mattel thinks that he can hold his own in his own series, or maybe they can put him with the delightful Mary Marvel instead. Well, she can take care of herself. I know I would not want to be in the same series as Black Adam, that guy will rip you in half without even blinking. Anger issues or something, yikes!

#1 –  Dr. Fate: 49 votes

The man with the golden helmet takes the gold in this Top Ten. He’s a Magic Man! Outdated Heart references aside, the most power mystic man in the DCU has a lot working for him in this line. He is ultra-popular with fans (duh!), he has a Super Powers figure and he makes for an easy classic/modern variant. He has been hanging around the Top Ten for awhile now so he makes a good candidate for the top of the heap. I just hope that we can get a figure of him soon, and for lot’s of reasons- he is cool on his own, he can be a JLA-er or a JSA-er, he will be an awesome Horsemen figure and it is always cool to see a winner get a figure. Here’s hope that fate is on our side. Yeah. Lame. Nice job at noticing the obvious!

Collect and Connect Figure – Giganta

I never realized so many of you had a thing for big girls… Well, they don’t get any bigger than this and the only way to do a Giganta figure correctly is to make her a C&C! Solomon Grundy and Atom Smasher have dominated this place since we started these things but with one on the shelf and the other coming soon, you gave your vote to a woman. Bravo! Here is a qualified woman worth voting for this fall! It would be a great thrill if Mattel would give us Giganta as a C&C figure. There has never been a female in this or similar format before, time to break that glass ceiling, Mattel.

Well, that about wraps it up. We will update this post with the full results soon, but this is where the real news is. It looks like that the next opportunity we will have to do this again won’t be until after New York Comic Con in February, so wait on pins and needles to see if Mattel gets any of these guys out of the way so others can join the party. Thanks for reading and see you next time!

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