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DC Universe Classics Top Ten Results – Fall ’07

{mosimage}Welcome to the awards show for the first of our three Top Tens for the Fall of 2007: the DC Universe Classics results. You have cast your votes, they have been tallied and the most demanded characters for this brand new line have stepped into the spot light. Read on to see who is on the hot list in this first Fwoosh Top Twelve since the DC Universe has been given to Mattel and The Four Horsemen.

Wait, did I say Top TWELVE instead of Top TEN? Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. Why, you ask? Well, read on to find out why.


To make things interesting right from the start, we have been set upon by some unusual (and fortunate) circumstances with the timing of these results. Since Mattel announced the line-up for DC Universe Classics series three (exclusively here on the Fwoosh), as well as that series’ Build-A-Figure during our tabulation time, we are going to do something a little different with the results.

See, two of the figures announced ranked in our Top Ten and the BAF winner is, coincidentally, the build a figure for the series. So, we are doing a little restructuring, moving out the announced characters and putting the lime light on those who came close, but still do not have announced figures. So first, those who were in, but are now confirmed to coming in series three.

halGreen Lantern [Hal Jordan] (80 votes)

The last Top Ten top vote getter came in second this time around with a
total of 80 votes. Ever since the announcement of the entire DCU
pantheon coming to Mattel, Hal has been one of, if not the most, talked
about and demanded characters.

Well, it seems as though Mattel and
Horsemen have their fingers on the pulse of the fans and Hal will be
arriving in May 2008 as the anchor of series three. 

sladeDeathstroke (71 votes)

The cold and calculating mercenary moved up in position from last time
from eighth place to fourth. A constant thorn in the side of the Teen
Titans, JLA, Green Arrow and Batman was also the lone villain featured
in this Top Ten before the reconfiguring.

With a great costume design
and a myriad of weapons, Slade Wilson offers a fantastic canvas for the
Four Horsemen to flex their skills. He also offers an opportunity for a
potential variant as his eye-patched un-masked look has become almost
as iconic as his standard appearance.

December cannot come soon enough
to see what his figure will ultimately look like.

Finally, the original winner of the Build A Figure Category,


Solomon Grundy (58 votes)

Born on a Monday, created in plastic for May ’08. Like Hal Jordan in
the standard figure discussions, Grundy here has lead the charge of
most demanded BAF for the DCUC line. He won this category last time and
would not be dethroned in our original count this time around.

offers a lot of potential for creative license but I am sure the
Horsemen will give us the classic feel with modern sensibilities.

So there you have it, those that won acclaim but who are graciously
bowing out to allow room for those that have not yet been give a spot
in DCUC. Without further adieu, here are the final results of the Fall
2007 DCUC Top Ten.


#1 Green Arrow [Oliver Queen] (83 votes)

Jumping from the number three spot previously to the king of the
mountain, Ollie dethrones Hal Jordan whilst keeping the top spot green.
This Hard Traveling Hero is another staple of the short list of "must
have right away" figures.

Ollie has had his share of costumes over the
course of his history, but it seems like the classic Satellite-era
costume shown above is the most recognizable version and would probably
be the best fit for the line



#2 Flash [Wally West] (73 votes)

With Hal bowing out, Wally steps into second place. One of those
characters that seems like a "no-brainer" for the line, Wally moves up
from the fifth spot to silver medal status. With the pattern of
including an arch villain with a hero, Wally would also bring some
impressive Rogues choices to be paired against him in an assortment.

Also, variants are strong possibilities with Barry Allen sharing a
similar costume and Zoom a possible candidate for a repaint. Recently
back from the Speed Force, Wally might just get his first ever
opportunity for a figure that can give us a convincing "running" pose.


#3 Wonder Woman (66 votes)

The first character on the list to take a step down from the last Top
Ten (from 2 previously to 3) the First Lady of the DC Universe still
keeps the mantle of the most wanted female figure. The last of the "Big
Three" for the Horsemen to take a crack at, her third place finish
means she could possibly be the second female to fall into the DCUC
line. Harley Quinn is scheduled for series two and will heavily borrow
parts from the previously released DCSH Batgirl.

Diana brings a new
challenge as her more muscular and statue-esque build demands an all
new sculpt. There is a lot of responsibility that comes with creating a
Wonder Woman figure, she must be beautiful and imposing at the same
time. The chance at seeing the Horsemen give their take on Wondy is an
exciting one, as we can all be certain she will be crafted with care
and respect.


#4 Martian Manhunter (57 votes)

The perennial "Den Father" of the JLA holds the line in fourth place,
right where he finished last time. Perhaps not the biggest name in the
DCU, J’onn does have the distinction of being a founding member of the
Justice League of America and has served as the "morter" for the team
for decades.

His classic look is by far his best known and while he is
currently holding a different appearance, the general consensus and
majority calls for his iconic look pictured above. The Manhunter from
Mars deserves a figure and a spot along side the big guns of the DCU.


#5 Hawkman (56 votes)

Moving up one place in the rankings, Hawkman has been a part of rampant
speculation on the part of leaked early line-ups for upcoming
assortments. While the lists were debunked as being inaccurate, Carter
Hall’s popularity is higher than ever.

There are lots of little details
that would allow for exploitation by the Horsemen and his wings will be
an interesting exercise in articulation and engineering for DCUC. His
costume is what begs the loudest question though, his modern duds are
highly influenced by his relatively simple classic look but with a lot
more smaller details like pouches and belts. Two things are certain
though, his winged-helmet and Nth Metal mace are musts.


#6 Blue Beetle [Ted Kord] (51 votes)

Ah, but this choice brings tears of joy to my eyes. Even in his current
less-than-living state, Ted has enjoyed a posthumous surge in
popularity.  Jumping seven places this time around, Ted is actually a
hot topic in the current Booster Gold monthly series. At any rate, a
figure (in his iconic costume) is a MUST now. (Editor: there’s certainly none of the author’s bias in that statement.

There has been
speculation about whether or not Mattel can currently produce figures
of characters formally of the Charlton Comics stable, but this should
be a ringing demand for them to secure those rights and bring us a Blue
Beetle figure (it should also be noted that fellow Charlton character
The Question finished with a respectable 33 votes). The heart and soul
of the International era of the Justice League, Ted would make a
perfect character to start that team. Also, if all goes well, he might
just Bwa-ha-ha his way back to the land of the living.


#7 Black Canary (50 votes)

The current chairwoman of the Justice League of America rounds out the
females in the Top Ten with a just from ninth place to seventh. Having
just gone through a difficult wedding night, this butt-kicking beauty
with a deadly birdcall is a must have for any JLA or JSA display.

Again, she is a character that has had her fair share of costumes, but
her classic feel, complete with requisite fishnets, has been brought in
to her current look. She could make for a great pair up in an
assortment with her true love, Green Arrow.


#8 Dr. Fate (45 votes)

The Master of mystic arts makes his debut in the Fwoosh Top Ten for the
first time, jumping from the 16 spot last time to settle in a number
eight. There have been several characters to hold the mantle of Fate
over the years and while his costume has changed over time as well, the
gold Helmet of Fate and yellow and blue duds have always been there.

Finding his home primarily with the JSA, he would make for a great
figure to square off against the recently announced Solomon Grundy. You
have spoken with your votes and it appears that "fate" is on his side.


#9 Captain Marvel (41 votes)

The Big Red Cheese. Crashing into the Top Ten with the strength of a
lighting bolt, the former Fawcett boy has a lot of things going for him
to make it to action figure form. He has the strength of Superman and
an iconic look that he has held pretty much since his creation.

though the fact that he is the favorite DC character of Horseman
"Cornboy" Mayse could be the biggest push for him to be made into a
DCUC figure. This spot though is validation that Billy Batson has LOTS
of fans pulling for him.



#10 Black Adam (40 votes)

Perhaps the perfect end to the Top Ten, Captain Marvel’s arch nemesis
comes in one vote behind with 40 picks. He has been a very hot
commodity in the DCU recently with a major role in the year long weekly
epic 52 as well as the World War III mini-series.

Hmmm… putting him
along side the good Captain in an assortment seems like a very wise
choice so these two powerhouses can duke it out for all eternity.

Atom SmasherBAF: Atom Smasher (26 votes)

With Grundy getting made, Atom Smasher takes his place at the top of
the BAF catagory with 26 votes. The runner up last time around, history
repeats itself and now the big man of the JSA finds himself on top of,
what should be, Mattel and the 4 Horsemen’s "to do" list. It will be
interesting to see how he is handled if and when he does get made as he
should be significantly taller than any of the previously announced

The costume he is wearing in the picture to the right is probably his
most famous and would be a good fit for DCUC. The only thing he is
currently missing is more fellow modern JSA-ers. Hopefully they will
get some support the next time around.

So that does it for the Fall 2007 addition of the DCUC Top Ten. We have a very diverse line-up this time around, with heavy hitters and fan favorites alike. The best part is: this is just the beginning. The potential for this line is huge. There are some exciting times ahead of us: the pictorial debut of DCUC series 3 will hit in a couple of months and DCUC series will be arriving sooner than later.

It will most likely be Toy Fair 2008 before we hear confirmation of any future assortments but our picks are out there and Mattel and the Four Horsemen have been alerted to the results. A big thank you to all that took the time to vote, the total count grew by six whole pages since the last Top Ten. Listed below are the full results of voting as well as some links to the past Top Ten as well as the current discussion thread.

Until next time, keep letting your voice for character choices be heard in the DC Forum.

Full Voting Results

Single Figures Build-A-Figure
Rank Last Time Character Votes
1 3 Green Arrow 83
2 1 Green Lantern [Hal Jordan] 80
3 5 Flash [Wally West] 73
4 8 Deathstroke 71
5 2 Wonder Woman 66
6 4 Martian Manhunter 57
7 6 Hawkman 56
8 13 Blue Beetle [Ted Kord] 51
9 9 Black Canary 50
10 16 Dr. Fate 45
11 16 Captain Marvel 41
12 23 Black Adam 40
13 7 Power Girl 39
14 19 Deadshot 34
15 25 Question 33
16 14 Huntress 31
17 23 Lobo 30
18 16 Hawkgirl 28
18 25 Zatanna 28
20 25 Sinestro 27
21 62 Cyborg 26
22 21 Booster Gold 23
22 25 Riddler 23
24 10 Nightwing 19
25 44 Captain Cold 18
25 44 Wildcat 18
27 50 Robin [Tim Drake] 17
28 32 Green Lantern [Guy Gardner] 16
28 32 Green Lantern [Kyle Rayner] 16
30 72 Cheetah 15
30 41 Starfire 15
32 32 Mr. Miracle 14
32 44 Ra’s al Ghul 14
34 20 Joker 13
34 41 Kalibak 13
36 62 Prometheus 12
37 72 Creeper 11
37 50 Jonah Hex 11
37 72 Metallo 11
37 #N/A Mr. Terrific 11
41 62 Atom 10
41 50 Black Lightning 10
41 91 Blue Devil 10
41 72 Deadman 10
41 30 Green Lantern [John Stewart] 10
41 22 Poison Ivy 10
41 #N/A Sinestro [Sinestro Corps] 10
41 114 Zoom 10
49 30 Flash [Barry Allen] 9
49 44 Spectre 9
49 #N/A Swamp-Thing 9
52 114 Blackmask 8
52 44 Catman 8
52 72 Eradicator 8
52 72 Fire 8
52 62 Flash [Jay Garrick] 8
52 50 Lois Lane 8
52 91 Plastic Man 8
52 91 Raven 8
52 50 Vigilante 8
61 72 Ares 7
61 62 Green Lantern [Alan Scott] 7
61 91 Ice 7
61 72 Mary Marvel 7
61 41 Ventriloquist 7
61 72 Wonder Girl [Cassie Sandsmark] 7
67 #N/A Aztek 6
67 62 Captain Atom 6
67 #N/A Donna Troy 6
67 91 Robotman 6
67 114 Wildfire 6
72 114 Adam Strange 5
72 50 Big Barda 5
72 91 Dr. Polaris 5
72 #N/A Geoforce 5
72 #N/A Lightning Lad 5
72 72 Mad Hatter 5
72 91 Mr. Mxyzptlk 5
72 62 Red Arrow [Roy Harper] 5
72 114 Red Hood [Jason Todd] 5
72 #N/A Sandman [Dream] 5
72 25 Solomon Grundy 5
72 #N/A Starman [Jack Knight] 5
72 72 Vixen 5
85 #N/A Cosmic Boy 4
85 50 Despero 4
85 36 Gorilla Grodd 4
85 #N/A Ion 4
85 114 Katma Tui 4
85 114 Man-Bat 4
85 114 Owl Man 4
85 114 Reverse Flash 4
85 114 Robin [Dick Grayson] 4
85 114 Rocket Red 4
85 #N/A Samurai 4
85 #N/A Saturn Girl 4
85 114 Silver Banshee 4
85 #N/A Superboy [Prime] 4
85 #N/A Timberwolf 4
85 114 Toyman 4
85 114 Ultra Humanite 4
85 91 Zauriel 4
103 62 Alfred Pennyworth 3
103 91 Animal Man 3
103 #N/A Aquaman [Beard and Hook] 3
103 50 Batman [Batman Beyond] 3
103 #N/A Batman [Knightfall] 3
103 #N/A Beast Boy 3
103 114 Black Orchid 3
103 91 Blue Beetle [Jaime Reyes] 3
103 #N/A Brainiac 5 3
103 #N/A Detective Chimp 3
103 #N/A Dr. Mid-nite [Modern] 3
103 #N/A Eclipso 3
103 50 Elongated Man 3
103 #N/A Hitman 3
103 91 Impulse 3
103 #N/A Karate Kid 3
103 114 Katana 3
103 #N/A Kid Flash 3
103 #N/A Lex Luthor 3
103 #N/A Mirror Master 3
103 91 Mordru 3
103 114 Negative Man 3
103 114 Ocean Master 3
103 114 Parademon 3
103 #N/A Ray, the 3
103 114 Sand 3
103 114 Speedy [Mia Dearden] 3
103 #N/A Star Boy 3
103 91 Stargirl 3
103 44 Superboy 3
103 72 Talia 3
103 #N/A Ultra Boy 3
103 114 Ultraman 3
103 #N/A Vigilante [Greg Saunders] 3
103 #N/A Waverider 3
138 114 Ambush Bug 2
138 #N/A Aqualad 2
138 10 Aquaman 2
138 114 Arsenal 2
138 #N/A Brainiac 2
138 #N/A Brainiac 13 2
138 #N/A Captain Boomerang 2
138 114 Ch’p 2
138 114 Circe 2
138 114 Commissioner Gordon 2
138 #N/A Cyborg Superman [Sinestro Corps] 2
138 #N/A Dove 2
138 114 Dr. Light [Arthur Light] 2
138 #N/A Dream Girl 2
138 #N/A Element Lad 2
138 114 Firefly 2
138 #N/A Gentleman Ghost 2
138 #N/A G’nort 2
138 #N/A Gog 2
138 #N/A Granny Goodness 2
138 114 Green Arrow [Connor Hawke] 2
138 #N/A Hawk 2
138 114 Hawkwoman 2
138 72 Hourman 2
138 91 Hush 2
138 72 Jade 2
138 #N/A John Constantine 2
138 114 KGBeast 2
138 #N/A Kid Flash [Wally West] 2
138 114 Mr. Terrific [Terry Sloane] 2
138 114 Oracle 2
138 #N/A Parallax 2
138 114 Ragdoll 2
138 62 Ragman 2
138 91 Reaper 2
138 #N/A Sandman [Wesley Dodds] 2
138 #N/A Secret 2
138 114 Speedy [Roy Harper] 2
138 91 Star Sapphire 2
138 #N/A Starman [Golden Age] 2
138 #N/A Superboy [Conner Kent] 2
138 114 Supergirl 2
138 #N/A Unknown Soldier 2
138 114 Wonder Girl 2
138 #N/A Zan 2
138 114 Zod 2
184 #N/A Ace 1
184 #N/A Alley-Kat-Abra 1
184 114 Arisia 1
184 #N/A Armordillo 1
184 #N/A Atom Smasher 1
184 #N/A Atomic Skull 1
184 114 Azrael 1
184 #N/A Batman [Armored] 1
184 #N/A Batman [Black, Yellow Logo] 1
184 #N/A Batman [No Man’s Land] 1
184 #N/A Bat-Mite 1
184 #N/A Batzarro 1
184 #N/A Black Condor 1
184 #N/A Black Falcon 1
184 #N/A Black Lightning [70s] 1
184 #N/A Black Vulcan 1
184 #N/A Blackhawk 1
184 #N/A Blight 1
184 114 Blue Devil [Classic] 1
184 #N/A Brother Blood 1
184 #N/A Bug [New Gods] 1
184 #N/A Captain Carrot 1
184 #N/A Carmine Falcone 1
184 62 Catwoman 1
184 #N/A Cinderblock 1
184 #N/A Cold Turkey 1
184 #N/A Colossal Boy 1
184 #N/A Commander Steel 1
184 #N/A Composite Superman 1
184 #N/A Copperhead 1
184 #N/A Crimson Fox 1
184 #N/A Cyborg Superman 1
184 #N/A Cyclone 1
184 #N/A Doomsday 1
184 #N/A Doomsday [Death of Superman] 1
184 #N/A Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi] 1
184 #N/A Dr. Mid-nite [Pieter Cross] 1
184 114 Dr. Phosphorus 1
184 #N/A Dr. Psycho 1
184 #N/A El Dorado 1
184 #N/A Emerald Empress 1
184 #N/A Fastback 1
184 114 Ferdinand 1
184 #N/A Firebrand 1
184 #N/A Ganthet 1
184 #N/A Giganta 1
184 #N/A Gold 1
184 #N/A Golden Pharaoh 1
184 #N/A Grace 1
184 91 Green Lantern [Kilowog] 1
184 114 Guardian 1
184 #N/A Halo 1
184 #N/A Harbringer 1
184 #N/A Harlequin [Molly Mayne] 1
184 12 Harley Quinn 1
184 #N/A Hourman [Rick Tyler] 1
184 #N/A Human Bomb 1
184 #N/A Huntress [Earth 2] 1
184 #N/A Inertia 1
184 #N/A Invisible Kid 1
184 #N/A Iron-Pig 1
184 #N/A Janna 1
184 #N/A Jayna 1
184 #N/A Jesse Custer 1
184 #N/A Jimmy Olsen 1
184 114 Jinx 1
184 #N/A Johnny Quick 1
184 #N/A Johnny Thunder 1
184 #N/A Jokerz, the 1
184 114 Kanjar Ro 1
184 #N/A Kanto 1
184 #N/A Key, the 1
184 #N/A Killer Croc 1
184 #N/A Killer Frost 1
184 #N/A Killer Moth 1
184 #N/A King Mob 1
184 #N/A King Shark 1
184 #N/A Laira 1
184 #N/A Lex Luthor [Bronze Age] 1
184 #N/A Liberty Belle 1
184 #N/A Light Lass 1
184 #N/A Little Cheese 1
184 #N/A Lord Havok 1
184 114 Mammoth 1
184 #N/A Manhattan Guardian 1
184 114 Manhunter [Mark Shaw] 1
184 114 Manhunter [Paul Kirk] 1
184 #N/A Mano 1
184 #N/A Mantis 1
184 #N/A Martian 1
184 114 Maxima 1
184 #N/A Medusa 1
184 #N/A Mera 1
184 #N/A Miss Martian 1
184 #N/A Mon-El 1
184 #N/A Mr. Zsasz 1
184 #N/A Obsidian 1
184 #N/A OMAC [modern] 1
184 #N/A Persuader, the 1
184 #N/A Phantasm 1
184 #N/A Phantom Girl 1
184 91 Phantom Lady 1
184 #N/A Phantom Stranger 1
184 #N/A Power Ring 1
184 #N/A Queen Bee 1
184 #N/A Question [Renee Montoya] 1
184 #N/A Ravager 1
184 #N/A Red Hood [Joker] 1
184 #N/A Rubberduck 1
184 #N/A Rupert Thorne 1
184 #N/A Sandman [Modern] 1
184 #N/A Scarecrow 1
184 #N/A Scorn 1
184 #N/A Shining Knight [Sir Justin] 1
184 #N/A Shrinking Violet 1
184 #N/A Silver Swan 1
184 114 Spoiler 1
184 #N/A Star Spangled Kid [Sylvester Pemberton] 1
184 #N/A Starman 1
184 #N/A Sun Boy 1
184 #N/A Superboy [Reign of the Supermen] 1
184 #N/A Superman [Kal-L] 1
184 #N/A Tempest 1
184 #N/A Tharok 1
184 #N/A Thunder 1
184 #N/A Time-Keeper 1
184 114 Toyman [Jack Nimball] 1
184 91 Trickster 1
184 #N/A Umbra 1
184 #N/A Uncle Sam 1
184 #N/A Vigilante [Adrian Chase] 1
184 #N/A Vril Dox 1
184 #N/A Vulcan 1
184 #N/A Warlord 1
184 #N/A White Martian 1
184 #N/A Yankee Poodle 1
Rank Last Time Character Votes
1 1 Solomon Grundy 58
2 2 Atom Smasher 26
3 10 Anti-Monitor 13
4 3 Giganta 12
5 5 Kilowog 11
6 #N/A Plastic Man 9
7 4 Doomsday 8
8 5 Gorilla Grodd 5
9 16 Ultra Humanite 4
10 16 Elastigirl 3
10 #N/A Darkseid 3
10 #N/A Apache Chief 3
10 16 Elongated Man 3
10 16 Swamp Thing 3
15 10 Despero 2
15 #N/A Metron 2
15 #N/A Metallo 2
15 #N/A Kalibak 2
15 16 Validus 2
15 16 Amazo 2
21 #N/A Thunderbolt 1
21 #N/A Big Barda 1
21 #N/A Big Bear 1
21 #N/A Blok 1
21 #N/A Brainiac 13 1
21 #N/A Brimstone 1
21 #N/A Clayface 1
21 #N/A Colossal Boy 1
21 10 Chemo 1
21 #N/A Death 1
21 #N/A Egg Fu 1
21 #N/A Eiling 1
21 5 Imperiex 1
21 #N/A Frogzilla 1
21 #N/A Josiah Power 1
21 16 Shaggy Man 1
21 #N/A Martian Manhunter 1
21 16 Batcave 1
21 10 Spectre 1
21 8 Starro 1
21 #N/A Quill 1

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