I had completely forgotten about the Target exclusive Star Wars Black Series AT-ACT Driver until I started seeing sightings. And it was a LOT of sightings, all at once, mostly from the central US. Then the east coast. Now the west coast. All over the past few days. All without warning.
I waited a day or two and then went to my Target, which is usually pretty slow to stock things like this. They’re on the ball this time around.
AND they had restocked the X-Men Legends Warlock wave so I was also able to finish off that series with Old Man Logan. Good day at Target.
But as far as exclusives go, this is the way to do it. It’s complete reuse, using the Toys R Us exclusive Tank Driver body with the Scarif Shoretrooper head. Add some paint apps and a dirty wash and that’s it. On top of that the actual trooper was barely seen in Rogue One so that just adds to the “Why do I need this again” factor some may feel. But not me. Oh no, not me.
Since I was a kid the Stromtrooper has been an iconic image in my head. The faceless foe bearing down on my heroes. And then the variations came along and I loved the concept more and more. Snowtroopers, Scout Troopers, TIE Pilots. And then eventually Clone Troopers with their different squad markings and ranks. First Order Stormtroopers and Flametroopers and updated Snowtroopers, oh my. I’m a sucker for it. All of it. So the Shoretrooper and the various ranks and the Hovertank Pilot just continues that tradition. And yeah, even the blink-and-you-miss him AT-ACT Driver.
But, if you’ve been waiting for a Hovertank Commander a simple headswap will work here and get you 95% of the way there. Just the right shoulder pad is wrong. But it works. And it also clears some of those TRU Tank Drivers off the shelf. You’re welcome.
UPC for scanning, the DPCI is 087-06-1115:
Headswap with the TRU Hovertank Driver: