Hey folks, we’ve got pics of new toys at NECA’s booth at the 2017 Toy Fair, but I think the main event are the Superman vs. Aliens and Batman vs. Predator figures!
NECA’s Randy Falk first had the idea of doing these back when they started on the Superman vs. Ali set. NECA navigated the extremely complicated web of licensing which involved Warner Bros, Dark Horse, Fox, et al in order to get to the finish line on these. And what a prize for us. Solid, “classic”, well-articulated Superman and Batman along with really cool Alien and Predator figures. Yes, these are all-new sculpts. No, they don’t share very many parts with each other.
Batman vs. Aliens will be the first set out–hopefully by the end of the summer, followed by Superman vs. Aliens in the fall, and then Armored Batman vs. Predator at the end of the year.
There will be a lot more accessories included that weren’t on display. Batarangs and alternate hands for Batman. Alternate hands for Superman along with removable heat vision lasers both in the short bursts (shown in the pics) and a longer blast.
NECA’s also got more new Alien and Predator merch too, for you horror-heads. Check out the pics!
Also, some more quarter scale figures:
And Evil Dead!