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Hasbro: Transformers Titans Return Chromedome and Stylor

chromedome12Most successful properties are built upon a core cast of characters, and even once the insular universe is established, it’s difficult to expand beyond that initial core cast, no matter how many decades may pass. Take Marvel and DC, for example. We are decades and decades into each universe, but everything still boils down to Batman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, Captain America, etc. The same is true for the Transformers. As far as the world at large is concerned, there is little more to the property than Optimus Prime, Starscream, etc. And that’s fine, but one of the key reasons IDW’s Transformers More Than Meets the Eye has been such a joy to read is the core cast everyone knows exists well outside the parameters of the comic, giving lesser-known characters a chance to shine, and one of the characters who has had such a huge impact on that series is Chromedome, featured here as one of Hasbro’s recent releases in the “Titans Return” line.

Chromedome’s packaging is standard for the Titans Return line. The artwork is character-specific and showcases the actual figure nicely. I really dig the artwork and design, which make it so easy to find the figure you’re after on the pegs.

Now, right off the bat, it’s clear Chromedome here is based on his original G1 Headmasters design rather than his recent IDW appearances. And that’s okay because the figure came out so darn well. I mean, I hope against hope that we will one day see a proper IDW Chromedome, but until that day comes, this one will serve just fine. His head sculpt seems to be true to his IDW self, so there’s that, and itintegrates well into the G1 design. His colors are crisp and spot-on too, with clean paint apps and plastic cast in the appropriate colors.

Being a Headmaster, Chromedom’s head does detach and it can be transformes into Stylor. It’s a neat little feature and the transformation thankfully does not compromise the integrity of the head in terms of functionality. Stylor is tiny in his own ‘bot mode, so there are no paint apps to mention aside from the “Chromedome backpack” he’s saddled with. Given his size, he’s well-sculpted and some custom paint apps may bring out that sculpt some, if you’re so inclined. Articulation is limited as well due to his size, but I imagine he’ll be spending most of his time as Chromedome’s head.

Chromedome’s articulation is consistent with most modern Transformers — he can strike just about any pose you need from him, and the only points of articulation he’s really missing are ankle rockers and an ab joint. Otherwise, he’s got it where it counts and is almost as articulated as your average Marvel Legends figure. He also comes with two weapons: two bright red laser-blaster-things. They can be attached to make one big gun, or they can be wielded separately. They can also attach to his shoulders (that’s more for his alt mode, but it works here too).

His alt mode is nice and clean and all the parts fit together nicely. There is little evidence of a robot lurking in there, and it’s awesome how Stylor can actually fit in the cockpit so he’s not left out while Chromedome is in this mode. The design is true to the G1 design and is pretty awesome-looking.

But the real treat in adding this Chromedome to my collection is finally being able to pose him with his partner, Rewind. These two together in the comics is seriously the best thing to happen to comics since DC’s Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. Having them together on my shelf is completely awesome and makes me every bit as happy as reading about them in the comics does. Seriously. These two are as good as Transformers gets for me, and, having them together, I can almost quit the line because it’s all downhill from here. Until Hasbro releases proper IDW versions, that is.

chromedome11Chromedome is hitting all the usual retail spots at the moment. I know I’ve seen him at Target, Toys R Us, Walgreens, and Walmart, so if you’re after one for your collection (and you should be), he shouldn’t be too difficult to track down.