I requested and gave the order for our server hosts to do maintenance on the fwoosh server today. We’ve been experiencing heavy loads over the past few months and we added additional diskspace and ram to help with the load. This will allow for improved performance, but will not fix the long term load issue and I am looking into a upgrading to a new server. The decision to move to a new server will not take place until sometime after Toy Fair 2011 and before SDCC 2011.
During the scheduled maintenance there was a problem with the RAM module installed causing downtime to the site. Currently the wordpress installation on thefwoosh.com, thecoinslot.com, theshortbox.com and walama.com are running and stable. However the forum for thefwoosh.com is not working and I am working with our hosts to restore this service.
I will keep you updated when the forum is running again. Thank you for your patience while we sort this out.
*Update* The forum is running again, service is restored. Thank you for your patience.
Remember you can catch us on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Fwoosh/113158088712042