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Legendary Focus: The Spot!

3027056-spot-super-villain_team-up-modoks111-blinkSure, we’re getting the Hobgoblins and Green Goblins and Shockers. We’re getting Rhinos and Electros and every Beetle under the sun except for the most necessary one. Yes, we have every flavor of symbiote known to (Spider) Man, but do we have Spidey’s greatest enemy yet?

No, we don’t.

Because we don’t have the Spot.

20_calvinqcalculusBefore we begin, let’s get it all out. His figure hits the spot. He needs a spot in the line. Some idjit will no doubt want to say he’s taking up a spot. I can’t wait to spot him at Walmart. And so forth. Now that all of that has been flushed out of my system …24021_20080312032647_large

The Spot is one of the more unique-looking of Spider-Man’s gallery of villains. With a costume consisting of a white leotard covered in numerous black holes, there’s really no mistaking him for any other villain, and his name is about as appropriate as it gets. The Spot has spots and does crime stuff using spots. You really have to appreciate someone as straightforward as that.4478179-2228535565-35240

The Spot utilizes circular black portals that connect to another dimension that has been nicknamed “Spotworld.” Does Doctor Octopus has an Ockworld? No. No, he does not. And that is why Doc Ock pales in comparison to the bespotted one.jonathan_ohnn_earth-616_from_amazing_spider-man_vol_1_589_0001

The Spot’s power set is inspired by the amorphous quality of holes in the Looney Tunes universe, where they can be moved, picked up or expanded as the story needs. I like to think that the “Spotworld” that the Spot’s holes lead to is connected to every mobile hole in every fictional universe. And that is how cracked out crossovers happen. Meep Meep!portable_hole_8289

Unfortunately, for a vast majority of the Spot’s comic book life, he’s been treated a bit like a joke. He’s even died a handful of times. Somehow death doesn’t stop him, so he ends up coming back to get disrespected again. Occasionally he aaaaalmost becomes a threat, but then he doesn’t.giphy

The Spot almost had a figure a long long time ago, in a series of figures that made it to promo art and then died. I think I speak for everybody with taste when I say that we all died a little when we heard that.

But now that we’re getting a ton of Spider-Man waves for the foreseeable future, I think the time to Spot to shine is almost here. He would be absolutely perfect on the Pizza Spidey body, and would be made even better by a handful of accessories to really show off his power set.

Picture a medium-sized black spot with a forearm and grasping hand sculpted to look like it was coming out. Then, Spot can have a removable forearm, where when you remove his regular arm, you can plug in a single black spot, so it looks as if he’s reaching through a spot and his arm is coming out wherever you want to put the arm/spot combo. You could pose him as if he were reaching right through a wall and choking Spider-Man all the way on the other side of the display.spec099b

I’d personally love for Spot to come with a variety of options that would make it look like he’s stepping through a hole or even popping his head through a spot as well, but that’s no doubt a little more than Hasbro would be willing to do for a character like the Spot. I’d settle for the arm thing, which would be a nice indicator of his power set and would offer up options for people to expand on for taking pictures without having to photoshop out his arm.the_spot

Whatever he comes with, even if he comes with nothing at all, The Spot would be a low-fuss low-muss figure that could easily fit into pretty much any wave. He would fill a valuable quirky-villain slot in between those other guys that Spider-Man occasionally scuffles with.