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Oldboy CTTS: TFA Luke Skywalker Custom Kit

The Force Awakens Luke Skywalker_01The Force Awakens did a great job in setting up my anticipation for seeing Luke Skywalker back in action. The opening crawl announced he was missing and all the villains and heroes spend the movie looking for Luke, so I was surprised that Hasbro didn’t anticipate that fans would be looking for this Luke on the shelf. I think since Lucasfilm was trying to keep Luke’s look a mystery, he didn’t get a figure in the main marketing push for The Force Awakens. And the snail’s pace release schedule of Black Series figures means he probably won’t have a figure for quite a while. Fortunately, Oldboy CTTS created a kit for those of us impatient for this version of Jedi Luke.

The Force Awakens Luke Skywalker_02The kit consists of a head sculpt and a robe. The robe is very similar in fit and feel to the robes I’ve bought from Rickhor409 on eBay. With a little water, they can be posed nicely on the figure. The sleeves are a little long and I’ll probably cut them down a bit, but I’ve just rolled them up for the purposes of these pics.

The Force Awakens Luke Skywalker_03The robe works very well as a super-baggy Obi-Wan Kenobi-style robe and has a massive hood. Having re-watched the film a few times since April, though, I noticed that this robe is not entirely screen accurate. The color is grey and I believe the robe in the movie is actually a really dirty off-white.

The Force Awakens Luke Skywalker_04The effect of the grey actually feels correct at a glance, however, and it is a better alternative for me than dirtying-up a white cape. I also noticed that Luke’s cape in The Force Awakens is a hooded cape, not a hooded robe with sleeves. It looks great, and while not completely accurate, I still like it quite a bit.

The Force Awakens Luke Skywalker_06The head sculpt is quite nice with sharp details all around. The likeness is good and reads clearly as Mark Hamill to me. The paint job is very pretty and there is some nice subtle shading. The hair is painted all-over grey, and though I think Mark has more brown in his hair than depicted on this figure, the effect of this gray color works for me.

The Force Awakens Luke Skywalker_05The head is designed to pop onto a Black Series Obi-Wan body, but it also fits nicely on a Black Series Return of the Jedi Luke as well. Overall, the kit makes for an easy plug-and-play old-man Luke figure.

The Force Awakens Luke Skywalker_07If you want total film accuracy, you will have to do a little custom work. This set is currently sold out, but Oldboy CTTS has other projects that may interest Star Wars fans in the works, including a very nice Obi-Wan set and a Daniel Craig Bond head. Check them out on Facebook!

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