Captain America is another action figure released in the upcoming Marvel Legends Giant-Man Series, based on the upcoming Captain America: Civil War movie.
Cap is making his third appearance in a stand-alone movie, kinda, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His first appearance was Captain America: The First Avenger, then Captain America: The Winter Soldier and now Captain America: Civil War. Picking up from The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron, Cap and Iron Man will recruit two teams and go toe-to-toe against each other. The trailers look promising, and if the movie is anywhere near as good as Winter Soldier, then viewers are in for a treat.
The figure is not a new figure; it’s a repaint of the Avengers: Age of Ultron (AOU) Cap figure in dark blue rather than the royal blue from the AOU figure. In the pics it looks like the AOU figure is larger, but the figures are the same size. The contrast between the AOU and Civil War Cap are clear as they stand against the black background. Civil War Cap is really dark.
As mentioned in an earlier article, there were high expectations for this sculpt after its re-use from the Winter Soldier figure, but it just fails to meet that “pow” factor that the Winter Soldier figure had. There’s some girth missing from the chest, and the figure loses that “v-shape” that Chris Evans has. Additionally, the arms are on the thin side when looking at Evans’s pythons. Other than that, it’s become a favorite display figure on Marvel Legends shelves. It’s a great Cap for the growing movie/modern comic shelf.
Despite the nitpicking by Internet toy reviewers, this is a solid figure. The articulation is excellent and there isn’t much more to say other than what has been covered before. It’s all the Marvel Legends goodness that collectors want. There is a little bit of weakness in the knees, but not as bad as the AOU Cap, and so far there is no immediate need for sheet styrene reinforcement.
Cap is a bit light on the accessories. The extra hands from the previous releases are not included, so collectors only get a shield and a Giant-Man head. Oh, and how wonderful is that head. Cap’s head pops off with ease, which means you can pop the unmasked head from previous releases on. It’s assumed that would work for the hands.
This is a good, solid figure. Any collector looking for a “modern” Captain America to fit on their shelves has plenty of options to choose from, and choosing Civil War Cap would be a solid choice. The figure looks good, has a great darker color, poses well, and looks great on the shelf. Or one could use him for Daredevil customs, or Deadpool customs, or just-about-anyone-else-in-the-Marvel-Universe customs. If the neck peg fit the Nick Fury figure, one could turn Cap into Shield soldiers.
As of this writing this set is not available for purchase.