With the release of Marvel’s Age of Ultron film, it is time to tackle some of the movie-related action figures. In the Thanos Series we got Iron Man, Hulk, and Captain America to make our Marvel Movie collections look all the better. We’ve already done Hulk, and Iron Man will publish later this week, so today is all about Cap!
Many of you might remember this Captain America action figure since it is based on the previously released Captain America Winter Soldier stealth suit. I personally love the stealth suit Cap figure and think it is one of the best Marvel Legends produced. It’s a sharp-looking figure, a great sculpt, it fits with movie and comic lines. and it has nice and tight joints. Plus it’s a great update of the Cap suit, which is why I had very high expectations for the Age of Ultron Captain America Marvel Legend.
And I am disappointed. I did my due diligence and did my best to find all the positives, but I can’t. The figure is just a disappointment when compared to the Stealth suit version. There are a number of issues, but the sculpt loses the bulk of the Age of Ultron suit in the movie. One of the reasons that I like the World War 2 and Age of Ultron Suit is that they go back to a bulky, armored look that makes more sense in the modern soldier world. Especially in the upper body with the extra padding on the chest and shoulders. With this action figure, you get the sculpt of the suit, but you lose the bulk in the chest and shoulders. I think the only change to the Winter Soldier stealth suit is the chest sculpt, which is really good but lacks the bulk.
The articulation is your standard super-posable Marvel Legends kit and almost works perfectly. Unfortunately my figure has extremely loose knee joints and falls over all the time. You won’t even get the chance to look at him sideways before he falls over because you can’t get him to stand in the first place. The rest of the articulation seems to be gold and you can have a lot of fun with this figure — if yours has tight knees. The articulation is as follows:
Rocker ankles
Hinged ankles
Shin swivels
Double knees
Swivel thighs
Ball hips
Swivel Waist
Hinged abs
Ball shoulders
Swivel biceps
Double elbows
Swivel wrists
Hinged wrists
Hinged neck
Ball head
Cap comes with some great accessories: a regular head, hands, and a shield. Starting with the shield, this is a great shield. It’s somewhat mushroom shaped, more so than Now Cap, but I love the straps for his arms. It doesn’t look great in throwing mode and can’t attach to his back, but it is a sharp-looking shield. The extra hands are the same as the previous figure and loads of fun to play with. But the head is the winner; it’s a perfect generic head for any Marvel Legend. I don’t know how much it looks like Chris Evans, and it doesn’t matter — paint the hair different colors and you suddenly have a slew of new character in the Marvel Universe.
While this figure is a newer version of an existing figure, it’s a new production in a new color and seems inferior to the previous release. Perhaps I had huge expectations that were unrealistic, but I can’t help being disappointed. Cap was great in Age of Ultron and it was a bummer to be let down by this figure.
You can still pick him up at: