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Top Ten: Most Needed Star Wars: The Force Awakens Black Series Figures

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has completed principal photography.  #TheForceAwakens #StarWarsVII

So a new Star Wars movie is coming out this year, and we are (hopefully) going to see a lot of new action figure product at SDCC. You know what that means, right?

Top Ten time! Sure, thanks to all of the secrecy around Episode 7, we don’t have a lot to go on, but I figured I would take a premature pass at putting together a list of the most-needed Episode 7 figures for the Black Series. Also, Ibentmyman-thing took a crack at a Top Five waaaaaaay back in December following the release of the teaser when we had even less news. So, since we have learned more, I am going to take another swing. You can probably expect revisions of this list after just about every new major reveal, so benty will be up next… Agree? Disagree? Sound off below!

10. First Order Stormtrooper


Okay, so we know that is one is coming out, right? Plus, there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that this figure is not made. None at all. So, while the special packaging looks to be an SDCC-exclusive, I have no doubt that this figure will all be released in some form in the regular line. However, just because we know it is coming doesn’t make it less important.

9. Han Solo


I mean, is there any good reason as to why we should not have a figure of Han in all of his famous looks? Thus far, we have gotten his Hoth and A New Hope costumes, and that is a great start, but there are still lots to do. Han is going to be one of the major hold-overs from the original trilogy in the new movie, so getting a figure of him in his updated look is important. I really hope that the movie does not treat us to the OBVIOUS fan-rumor move of dispatching Han for good (don’t be so predictable or short-sighted, JJ) in Episode 7, but if it does, that makes a tribute figure all the more important.

8. BB-8


Okay, I have no doubt this spunky little droid is going to have an army of fans after Episode 7. His look is great and it is obvious he is going to play a major role in this new movie, so we are going to need him. Now, he was shown and that supposed leaked prototype picture, so the possibility of getting him is strong, but I am not so sure he should be single-carded figure as his size feels more like “accessory” territory to me.

7. Finn

finn john boyega star wars episode VII

The Stromtrooper-turned-hero is going to be a major player, as in, he will likely fill the Han or Luke role in this new trilogy. Again, he has a supposed prototype out there, so I am pretty confident he is coming, but since we don’t know a lot about these characters yet, it is hard to comment on them. Either way, adventures with new action figures are going to be had, and judging by the trailers, Finn will be a big part of them.

6. C-3PO


Can you believe we have still not gotten a Threepio figure yet? Yeesh, talk about holding out on us. Now, he is on this list just as much for the fact that we have not gotten any incarnation of him as he is for his importance to Episode 7, but that is splitting hairs. The two droids are the line that crosses all Star Wars movies, so he is mandatory. Now, it is rumored that he will be back with a red arm in this one, so there will be a story there, plus it will give him a bit more variation from when we eventually get other versions.

5. Poe Dameron


So, from what I can tell, Poe is the new hotshot Rebel pilot of this young generation. Oscar Isaac is definitely my favorite actor of the “new cast,” so I am really excited to see what he is given on screen and to learn his overall role in the plot. The Luke Skywalker Black Series pilot figure is really great, so I am ready for another flyboy. Now, if we can just get one of those shiny new X-Wings for him to fly around…

4. Kylo Ren


Kylo Ren is supposed to be the new Star Wars heavy. It looks like they are setting him up to be the new Darth Vader, so this guy is going to be on everyone’s list. This figure is coming out, that is for sure. I think the costume is pretty slick, and, let’s face it, the figure will be worth it for that lightsaber alone.

3. Luke Skywalker


Yeah, I know, we have not even seen Luke yet, and rumor has it, he isn’t going to show up until late in the movie. However, tell me one Star Wars fan you know who doesn’t want a badass old Jedi version of Luke. You can’t can you? Right. Let’s get this figure done.

2. Rey


If Rey is, in fact, the new main hero of this Star Wars movie, I am going be pretty thrilled. First, I think they got the look down cold, Daisy Ridley is getting great reviews from her turn, and I like the idea of a female protagonist. Episode 7 will likely be a lot about her development, so I expect her to follow a Luke path and not get really cool until the second installment, but I already like what I am seeing.

1. Captain Phasma


Let’s see, an imposing female Stormtrooper captain in chrome armor played by Gwendolyn Christie? If I need to say anything else about that, you probably don’t like toys and/or Star Wars. Give me this figure yesterday, Phasma is going to be In. Sane.

I know this is a little early, but we will revisit the list after the movie is released and talk about the characters that we know even less about at that point. I am positive that The Force Awakens will give us call for a lot of new figures, this is just my personal starting point. Oh, and if they want to toss in a new Chewie as well, I am always for that.