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Top Ten Articles I’ve Written Over the Years that Prove Toy Dreams Do Come True

Yes, this may seem like a little back-patting, but I think every one of us knows what it feels like to get your toy-collecting wants fulfilled.

Granted, I’ve done a lot of articles, and I’m still waiting on some of my Holier of Grails ( Archie Comics, Looney Tunes) but I consider myself pretty lucky that quite a significant amount of things I’ve wanted to see in toy form has actually happened. Some of these aren’t quite out yet, but I fully intend to add them to my collection once they hit.

So without further preamble, these are the top ten (in no order) toy collecting desires that I’ve written articles about that have actually occurred.

Defenders of the Earth



I had no idea these were actually in production when I wrote my article. I just happened to be in the middle of a run-through of the original cartoon when I felt the urge for toys. It didn’t take long for this particular dream to be realized. While I don’t have the completed team in hand yet, I am looking forward to having the entire team assembled.




I admit that I figured this wasn’t going to have much of a chance. Mainly because I wanted deep cuts. I wanted obscurity mixed in with the well knows. What I didn’t see happening was Boss Fight Studios knocking out Castor Frickin’ Oyle in the first wave. That let me know they meant serious bidness with this line. I can’t wait to get my hands on these, and to see who else they have in store.

Michael Jordan



As I said in the article, I’m not a sports fan, but Michael Jordan is…inevitable. Now, I was thinking Figuarts, but Mafex delivered a fantastic figure that was pretty much everything I could have hoped for.




One of the greatest video games of all time. Figuarts did a great job on him. I might have done a few things slightly different as far as articulation, but nothing sparks deep childhood nostalgia than dots and a maze.

Roger Rabbit



While I initially was thinking of Funko, they kind of faded out of the 6-inch action figure market. But Super7 came along and gave the property some attention. Ultimates! Versions are the dream, but the Reaction figures aren’t too shabby at all. I am thankful for any representation of this excellent movie.

Santa Claus



Can you believe we’re actually getting a Santa Claus figure? Fresh Monkey Fiction isn’t just content to deliver one jolly fat guy. We’re getting pirates and cyborgs and zombies. Oh my. A good Santa Claus figure fits pretty much anywhere in the collection




Man, I still can’t believe NECA is doing an ALF figure. I mean, I seriously am still in a state of shock. And since he’s been delayed quite a bit, the shock has been going on for a while. I might need to seek medical attention. Of anything on this list, I might have had the least amount of hope for ALF. Mainly because outside of Milhouse, you don’t see many people asking for ALF in any form.




You take a ball, and you put a body under it. The 80s were a time of brilliance, and Head-Poppin’ Madballs were a natural enhancement of a great idea. I figured I might have been the only one that would like to see such brilliance come back. But no, the folks at Premium DNA were of like mind, and are bringing the disgusting ball bodies back for another round. I bought the first round (pun…intended?) with glee and will continue to do so for as long as they pump them out.

The Prisoner



Man, talk about a looooongshot. I fell in love with the Prisoner tv show on first discovering it. And I discovered it way later than I would have liked. It takes me a while to find some thing. it doesn’t seem like the most toyetic of properties on the surface, but that didn’t matter. It felt like something I needed on my shelf. The like-minded creators at Wandering Planet Toys felt the same, because they’ve got a series of retro-styled figures coming out.

And finally (had to be) GI Joe

Article: Too many to count!

Reality: So many pictures…!

I can’t even count how many articles I’ve written about GI Joe. And while I will admit the initial direction of the line was disappointing—and some of the choices still don’t hit just right for me—this is my favorite current line. Even if I don’t agree with the cream on Rock N Roll’s shirt, I still can’t wait to get Rock N Roll…and then the  inevitable Retro card repaint without that weird cream. That’s how invested I am in this line. I want everything. Sometimes twice. When it hits the notes just right, nothing can compete.
