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Hasbro: X-Men Legends Dazzler and Shatterstar Video and Quick Pics

After looking at a couple of longtime X-Men with Colossus and Cyclops, let’s turn our attention to the mother and son of the newest Marvel Legends wave: Dazzler and Shatterstar!

Wait, are they still mother and son in the comics? It’s been a while.

I’ll start out by saying that, yes, I still want the blue costume with the star and short hair for Dazzler, but I am COMPLETELY satisfied having the disco look — for now. That’s what action figures have become for me. Moments of sheer happiness followed by a satiation period, leading to eventual renewal of wants and needs for teammates and different looks for the same character. It’s cyclic. It’s a compulsion. Did I just diagnose myself with a psychological disorder? Oh well, it could be crack.

Whew, breakdown averted.

With Shatterstar, I know X-Force, I remember X-Force, but I was never fully invested in X-Force. But give me a good action figure and there I go again, wanting and needed companion pieces. In fact, this whole wave is full of “Great, this is awesome, but now I need the rest of the team” figures. Cyclops needs more Jim Lee era teammates. Sunfire (who is coming up next) needs more Giant-Size characters. The BaF warrants more New Mutants. Colossus … well … okay, I don’t need any more later Astonishing costumes, but that’s just my personal opinion.

And now Shatterstar makes me want Boom Boom and Warpath and a new Cannonball and Sunspot and even Feral. Siryn. And for the love all things comic booky, we need a Rictor.

The cool thing about that era of comics, the costumes seem interchangeable between different versions. Sure, there are rules and timeframes, but to someone like me, I’d be okay with taking the Shatterstar we got and will put it with the Rictor number above. The earlier Cannonball suit with the later Warpath. And I know there are hardcores out there that are gnashing their teeth at me now, kind of like if someone told me to mix a yellow tiger stripe Wolverine with a puffy jacket New X-Men Cyclops, I’d be all “NO YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” But you get what I mean. Especially since, like I said, I was never invested in X-Force. Or New Mutants. Or Jim Lee era X-Men.

This wave is from Mephisto himself. Awesome figures that makes me want more figures from teams I wasn’t really asking for. Curse you, Hasbro.





Dazzler Accessories:

Shatterstar accessories:
