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Hasbro: Black Series Scarif Stormtrooper Squad Leader

scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-1Each Star Wars sequel film added a couple new Stormtrooper variations and Rogue One is no different. One of my favorite new trooper designs from the upcoming film is the Scarif Stormtrooper, also known as the Shore Trooper. Let’s take a look at the Scarif Stormtrooper Squad Leader!

scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-2What the heck is a Scarif Stormtrooper? As I understand it, Scarif is one of the planets in Rogue One, so I assume these are specialized troops that are stationed at the planet. I know a lot of people complain about all the new stuff in this ostensible prequel that is not in films that come later.

scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-3I don’t have an issue with it at all, as it can be easily explained away in any number of ways in ancillary materials like books, but I don’t really need an explanation. I imagine it’s a pretty big universe and the Empire has all sorts of different specialized forces spread across the galaxy.

The Scarif Stormtrooper has a few different variations that we’ve already seen from convention displays and advertising materials and this version is the Squad Leader. A lower ranking Scarif Stormtrooper will be coming out soon exclusively at Walmart.

scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-8The sculpt on this figure looks to match the source material well and is proportional and very sharp. It reuses most of the parts from the Toys R Us exclusive Hover Tank Pilot with a new head and belt. I like the Tank pilot and Scarif Trooper armors look to use the same arm armor as a regular trooper. It helps integrate the new stuff in with the old.

scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-20The Squad Leader comes with a new blaster rifle that has a double barrel. I’m not sure if both barrels fire in the film, but it looks darn cool and feels perfectly Star Wars. Looking at it in the photo, I wonder if in-universe it’s a regular Stormtrooper rifle with barrel and stock modifications.

scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-9The sculpt is nice and sharp and though the plastic is a little soft, it seems to hold its shape pretty well.

scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-10The articulation is pretty standard with the following POA:

  • Swivel/hinge neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, and ankles
  • Ball-and-socket neck and mid-torso
  • Double-hinged knees
  • Thigh Swivel

scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-11The elbows have a 90 degree bend and the shoulders are designed well so that the figure can hold the rifle in a number of convincing carry poses. The skirt is soft plastic and is designed well so as not to impede articulation.

scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-12The mid-torso ball-and-socket joint has good movement, one of the better uses of this joint in the line, and the head gets nice rocker movement. To get an idea of range of movement check out Robo’s video review:

scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-13The paint is actually pretty nice. The rank markings have some neat wear and tear paint ops. There are also some convincing dirt splotches here and there. The boots have a great wash that brings out the details well, I just wish they continued it into the helmet and upper armor.

scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-14This figure is probably one of the best Black Series figures in a while for my dollar. My only real complaint is that I don’t have a squad of grunts for him to lead. I’m looking forward to building a small army of these guys.

scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-15scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-16 scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-17 scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-18 scarif-storm-trooper-squad-leader-19