I was really excited about Luke Cage’s debut on Netflix and it didn’t let me down. For a lot of reasons, it’s right near the top of the four Netflix Marvel seasons. The Punisher still gives Daredevil Season 2 the edge, but this one spoke to me on a different level than most Marvel projects from a personal perspective.
Hot Toys has already dipped its toes into the Netflix Marvel realm with the second season Daredevil. A Jon Bernthal Punisher has been announced, and I’d be shocked if we don’t see a Jessica Jones soon. I was hoping for New York Comic Con, but hopefully it will be before next year’s Toy Fair.
Naturally, I was partially watching Luke Cage with an eye toward potential figure options. While I could come up with a Top 10 list quick, including Zip, I’ll try and keep this more practical and go with the most likely characters for a Hot Toys figure. Let me know if you agree and who you’d swap out.
Luke Cage – This one seems like a given. Cage is a core member of Netflix’s Defenders team. While this starts to teeter on to dress up territory, it’d be pretty cool if Hot Toys gave us a couple of different color hoodies. Maybe even include one with bullet hole damage?
First appearance Luke Cage – OK, it was for a brief moment, but one of the highlights of the season for me was seeing Mike Colter decked out in the original Power Man outfit — complete with silver tiara. Hot Toys did the comic book-accurate Captain America costume from Captain America: The First Avenger, so there’s some precedence here. And really, who wouldn’t want a classic Power Man in their Hot Toys collection?
Misty Knight – One of the great revelations of Cage was Simone Missick’s take on Misty Knight. She might not have gotten her bionic arm — a special bonus accessory? — but Misty seems like a character that will be integral to the Defenders much in the same way that Agent Coulson was to the Avengers. Go the limited edition run like Maria Hill and find some way to get her out to the masses.
Cottonmouth – While he didn’t end up being the series’ long term big bad, Cornell Stokes was the mover and shaker for the first half of the season. We’ve had a nice variety of villains in our Hot Toys collection, but we haven’t had a straight-up suited bad guy, let alone a black character. Cottonmouth had some nice suits so we could get some great detail with Hot Toys’ implementation of suits. He’s a major long shot, but I’d love to see him all the same.
Claire Temple – Claire has been a fixture of the Netflix universe since the first season of Daredevil. As evidenced by the Pepper Potts and Alfred figures, Hot Toys isn’t afraid to tackle straight-up civilian figures, and she’s due.
If you’re interested, I reviewed every episode of Luke Cage. You can find those reviews here.
Photo Credits: Netflix