I had so much excitement for Jango Fett in Star Wars Episode II: The Clone Wars that I knew I was gonna be disappointed. And I was. I mean, one of the possibly coolest origin stories turns into, blah blah, fight scene and closing scene. It was like worse than Boba Fett in all three Original Trilogy movies condensed into … five minutes. Oh, and the pictures have spoilers in them …
Despite my letdown of the movies, Jango continues to appear in action figure form. He’s been a Hasbro Star Wars The Black Series figure, and now he makes his way into action figure form by way of Bandai’s S.H. Figuarts action figure line. And, boy howdy, just like the movie I was disappointed out of the box. Literally. The figure’s waist and ab ball joints were so loose that I could jiggle him like a puppet on strings. This, of course, immediately turned into social media wrath with a picture of jiggly Fett and clones kicking him writhing on the ground. It was total “I’m so excited for this toy only to be extremely disappointed but the quality.” It’s been mentioned that I might have a one-off bad figure. I hope so.
Luckily the fix was easy, a couple of super glue droppings over the ball joint and presto whammo, tight joints again. But it’s not a fix for all the joints, this figure is just the opposite of the Mark 42 Iron Man that needed silicone spray to loosen up; he needs his joints to be gummed up. Not all of the joints are loose, but some of them can hold a pose, but the joints aren’t tight and the ankles worry me as possible causes for shelf dives.
The figure’s sculpt looks great, I don’t know how canon he is, but he looks right. As owe all know, Mandalorian armor is some of the coolest in the galaxy, and Jango’s is no different. The purple, blue and silver colors work great together and have all the bad-assery you would want in your Mandalorian shock trooper armor. That said, this figure opens the door for customizers who might want to make different characters that have this armor in different colors. A kind of prequel environment.
While many of the joints are loose, or not tight, there is a ton of articulation to be enjoyed on this figure. The range of motion is incredible and the hinged ball crotch is great for getting those sitting poses down. Even though the ab joints were really loose, once tightened, there was a great range of motion to them, tons of fun posing, and the Instagrammers are gonna have lots of fun with Jango.
This figure does not lack in accessories, but then it’s rare for an S.H. Figuarts to lack in accessories. Tons of hands, harpoon parts, and guns are all included. The holsters are not hollow;the figure has some with gun hilts pegged into the holsters and an extra set of guns for him to hold. It would have been more fun if the holsters were hollow, but I can see where Bandai might have been worried about quality with hollow holsters ripping or not holding up. The only other accessory that is needed is the head without the helmet. I’d take one with the cowl and one without. Maybe Bandai has something planned for future releases?
Despite my initial disappointment, Jango has developed into the fan favorite that I thought he would. He’s a great addition and I am super excited to have him in my collection. Any Star Wars collector should get this figure and add him to their collection. You can pick him up or pre-order him today here: