Today is the 50th anniversary of Star Trek, and we are joining with our friends at Entertainment Earth to help celebrate!
Fifty years of Trek, can you believe it? The crew of the Enterprise has been adventuring through space for half a century now, and its cultural relevance remains as high as ever. Sure, the crew and timelines have changed over the years, but the adventures have continued on. The same can be said for the supporting merchandise offered for the property, and there seems to be more now than ever.
Entertainment Earth has a constant stock of all kind of Trek merchandise, and one of the newest is our focus for today — vinyl miniature figures from Titans! Titans figures really hit their niche with their Doctor Who releases, and now they are going further into space with offerings from several iterations of Star Trek. The “Where No Man Has Gone Before” series is up first, and it is part and parcel based on the classic Trek, with a huge variety of characters.
These figures are (obviously) super-deformed in terms of design with their oversized and detailed heads, and more basic and classic designer vinyl bodies. It makes for an interesting aesthetic and is a new avenue for Trek, which also helps bring some continuity to style across the various incarnations as the subsequent releases make their way out. This first series captures fourteen unique characters and two variants that run the gamut of selection, and most of the popular classic characters are here.
The figures are “blind box” releases, meaning that you don’t know what you are going to get until you buy and open them, but this has been a release pattern for this style of figures for a long time. The release percentages vary from 2/20 for the popular characters to 1/40 for the variants, so getting a whole box means you will one of each of the regular figures, a few duplicates and one of the variants.
The character selection is:
- Kirk
- Spock
- Sulu
- Bones
- Uhura
- Scotty
- Khan
- Gorn
- Vina
- Pike
- Balok
- Chapel
- Rand
- Talosian Keeper
This set also came with the shirtless Sulu, but the Kirk variant remains a wonder for the time being.
The best part is if you are a Trek fan and want to get your hands on this set, just comment below, share this article on Facebook, re-Tweet, or post a picture from this article on Instagram with the hashtag #EEFwooshTrek and you will be entered to win this entire set! We will hold a random drawing on Monday, 9/12 and contact the winner. So, all of this can be yours!
We want to thanks our friends at Entertainment Earth for making this possible.
So, comment, share, or retweet to enter, or if you want to just get yourself the full set, head on over the EE to pick them up!