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SDCC 2016: DC Icons Reactions

DC Collectibles Icons The Demon Action Figure Featured

DC Collectibles Icons line had me at KooeyKooeyKooey leis. Everything else was gravy.

And if we’re going to get a standard-size 2-pack, who better than Blue Beetle and Booster Gold? No one, that’s who. Diving into the Justice League International with one of comics’ best duos? Sold. If I weren’t already into the line, Blue and Gold would have pushed me into it with no hesitation. And DCC even managed to sneak in Skeets as well. I love the alternate Bwaha-hah face on Booster, although I wish Beetle got one as well.

DC Collectibles Icons Blue Beetle Booster Gold Action Figure 2 PackAfter numerous delays and slow rollout announcements, DCC came roaring with its San Diego Comic Con reveals for the Icons line. Let’s break them down.

DCC’s showing for the Icons line was definitely encouraging with the character and attire selections. I skew classic all day every day, but there’s a few modern designs I don’t mind all that much. Deadshot’s is not one of them. The overly busy New 52 outfit is one of the few that I wholeheartedly loathe, so I’m oh-so-glad DCC went classic in his case.

DC Collectibles Icons Shazam Action FigureI appreciated DCC making complement characters for already existing figures in the line. Nothing is more frustrating than having a villain without his arch-rival, so I’m glad DCC is making sensible character choices. Wave 2 brought us Black Adam and Green Lantern, so the new reveals give us Shazam and Sinestro. Shazam’s head sculpt could use a bit more work, but it fits the New 52 look.

DC Collectibles Icons Sinestro Action FigureSinestro comes with a nice array of construct goodies. Too bad the Sinestro Corps don’t have an adorable kitten DCC could sneak in as a pack-in. Since it’s all but a given DCC won’t go as Lantern-heavy as Mattel, hopefully DCC can crank out five or six big Sinestro Corps members to give Sinestro some backup.

Nightwing continues to add to the Bat family. It’s fitting that the first sidekick/ally is the original Robin himself, Dick Grayson, in his classic blue and black attire. Getting Nightwing early on was important, so DCC can hopefully double dip sooner rather than later to give us the debut “disco” first appearance Nightwing costume. And more Teen Titans. Definitely more Titans. DCC could easily top Mattel on Starfire, Changeling and Kid Flash.

DC Collectibles Icons Catwoman Action FigureSticking with the Bat theme, we get a Jim Balent-style Catwoman. This was a smart choice as this was one of the few versions Mattel didn’t get around to making. This was how Catwoman looked in “Knightfall” — one of my favorite Batman stories — so I’m stoked to add her to the Icons line. And Catwoman works both ways as a Batman ally or villain depending on your display desires.

Etrigan the Demon is one of those characters I think most DC Universe license holders can’t wait to take a crack at to show off their line’s potential. The DC Classics version was one of my favorites in the line, but this could definitely give it a run for its money. I love the additional head sculpt and flame spewing accessory.

DC Collectibles Icons The Demon Action FigureThe most controversial reveal easily had to be the decision to swap the New 52 box set with one featuring the Justice League in their Rebirth look. I don’t think that was the best move — there certainly were enough fans out there to warrant releasing the set — and it negates the point of the honking $100+ Darkseid and Grail set. On the plus side, Batman, Aquaman, Flash and Superman sport improved head sculpts. I’m curious how the Wonder Woman figure turns out. At least this provides some extra value to collectors who grabbed Aquaman and were already planning to get the single-packed Cyborg and Wonder Woman.

I know a lot of collectors were leery about the future of DC Icons, but this SDCC showing certainly has me optimistic about the direction of the line going forward. Now if only DCC will start going after the Legion of Superheroes, the JLA, and Justice Society, we’d really be rolling.

8 thoughts on “SDCC 2016: DC Icons Reactions

  1. Nice! I like your style my friend. Great idea.
    (I have a certain DK detective leaving a certain imperial soldier stranded)

  2. For Catwoman, I am in, also Booster&Beetle and The Demon!
    Yet, I have these already in the form of DCUC. Icons are supposed to be complementary by my feelings for MY collection,that is.
    Here we go again! Dcc, do somebody new! Character debut please. Orin’s beard! That Sinestro is mighty yellowing er I mean tempting to commit the sins of the double-dip! Egad! Zounds!
    Icons & Legends– what is a collector to do?! Lol

  3. What IS it with women and Dick Grayson’s butt, and Batman?!?LMAO
    BTW:read JL:International.
    I only read it back in the day to get my Capt.Marvel fix, and ended up making friends and new favorites in J’onn J’onnz, Booster&Beetle, Fire&Ice akaGreen Flame&IceMaiden, Powergirl, G.L.s Gardener,(everybody knows a wanker like ‘im) and G’Nort, Rocket Red, Black Canary, Oberon ,Scott&Barda, and so on, just really fun reading,capt.

  4. BBTS says July for my Icons Wave 4 preorder.

    Anyway, I’ve preordered all of these newest reveals from SDCC minus the REbirth box set. I just see no reason to pay $80 for a Batman figure (the only one in the set I want). It’s Batman, so they will eventually release him on his own and they’ll eventually give us a Neal Adams version (which is my favorite costume).

  5. BBTS still says August for Wave 4, but I’ve seen other sites say they are being spread across September and October with Wave 5 in December. So only god and DC Collectibles know at this point. It is a huge problem, especially coupled with a relatively slow release schedule.

  6. I’m in for everything but the two-pack and possibly Deadshot, I hate that ridiculous costume (I do agree the new one is rubbish though). I don’t like Booster Gold and I have no real connection to Blue Beetle.

    I don’t see any issue with Shazams’ head sculpt personally.
    Synestro looks amazing, and that reminds me, I really hope we get Dex-Starr in an accessories pack.
    Catwoman is great too, not my favourite costume but I’m just thankful at this point they remembered to include a female character in the wave at all.
    Nightwing looks good, I hope his butt is suitably well sculpted.
    Etrigan is amazing.

  7. My only issue with the Icons line is I wish DC would give us some freaking release dates that stick. When is Wave 4 coming out? Are Waves 5 and 6 still slated for Sept and Oct? If not, what are their new release dates? When is Statis Shock coming out then? Why was the second accessory set canceled?

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