It’s that time of year again! It’s Fwoosh Top Ten voting season!
Wow, what an amazing year for Marvel Legends it’s been. I know some may disagree, but it really feels like we’re in the golden age of collecting our beloved Marvel Legends. Finally getting long-awaited wants, consistently solid-to-great character selection, amazingly crafted figures, new bodies tossed in the mix — all points that lead me to believe that it doesn’t get much better than this. I know I’ve never had more fun collecting Legends.
Since last year’s top ten vote, we managed to get six full waves from Hasbro along with a couple of Walgreens exclusive figures and a few three-packs. It all started with the Spider-Man-themed Rhino series and wrapped up with the Captain America-themed Abomination series, which just made it under the wire to end the year before this year’s top ten kicks off.
The real crown jewel of the Legends year has to be the wave that was dropped right before the Abomb series. A wave that just may be the very best single wave of Legends ever in the X-Men-themed Juggernaut wave. It was a wave full of characters and looks that we’ve been asking for in this very top ten for years. It feels like this year, more than any before, we were treated to character after character plucked directly from last year’s top ten list. Some are already in our Legends-loving hands, some are about to be released very soon, and some were just revealed last week at San Diego Comic Con 2016.
Don’t believe me? Take a look at last year’s results and see for yourself:
- Rogue: X-Men Series 1
- Enchantress: SDCC box set/Dr. Strange Series 1
- Polaris: X-Men Series 2
- Monica Rambeau : Digital sculpt revealed
- Wonder Man: Abomination Series
- Cyclops: X-Men Series 2
- Whirlwind: Onslaught Series
- Dazzler: X-Men Series 1
- Kitty Pryde (yay!): X-Men Series1
- Moon Knight: Well, can’t win ’em all
That’s pretty damn impressive. Now, I know Hasbro and the Legends crew don’t actually use our list as a guide for their release schedule, but, man, does it feel good to cross so many wanted names off the list in such a short time. It also feels good to know that for the first time in a few years the top ten is going to look completely different than it has in a long time. I hate to say it, but the last few years you could pencil in the top three or four way ahead of time, and you would’ve been dead-on. Not anymore, though. For the first time, I have no idea what this will end up like. Oh, the unknown is scary!
Now, we like to do this fresh off the heels of San Diego Comic Con so folks can see what’s coming and really nail down what they want to see coming in the future to fill out their Legends collections. So it’s time to let your voices be heard and tell us what you really want! This is what we want to know: who are the ten characters plus one build-a-figure you want to be given the Legends treatment?
That said, there are, of course, some rules.
The Rules
1. You must be a registered member of or have a Disqus account to vote.
2. Only one vote per person. We have multiple ways to identify duplicate votes, so don’t try to vote under a different name. You may edit your vote as many times as you want until the voting has closed. Just make sure you edit your original post, Do not start a new one if you want to change your vote.
3. You are voting for ten characters and ONE build a figure you want to be made into 6-inch scale Marvel Legends action figures. Keep in mind that any character whose figure would be bigger than Hyperion may end up being a BAF. If you want a smaller BAF like Rocket Racoon or Jubilee, that’s completely fine too.
They can be redos of characters we already have, but requesting very specific or one off looks from one panel or one book may get them merged into the main character category. You can even vote for a character whose figure has been revealed, but has never been released.
4. Post your votes in the following format. This is absolutely critical:
Ruby Thursday
Johnny Storm
Dr. Bong
Mr. Fantastic
White Rabbit
Foolkiller [Greg Salinger]
Night Thrasher
Feel free to copy and paste the list above and then change the characters to your picks. Or keep mine. Whatever you like.
5. NO numbers. Your votes can be spaced one name per line or no spaces, just make sure it’s not in sentence format. We feed this into a computer program and it’s very important for those of us counting these up that it’s in this format. The order in which you list the characters is not important!
6. Check your spelling. As we said, we are feeding this into a computer program, and it’s important all characters have their names spelled correctly. It also helps if we all go by the same names. For example, if someone put Hawkeye down in their vote and meant it to be the Kate Bishop version, and then someone else put down Kate Bishop in another vote, it will be counted as different characters. So please try to be consistent and use the same names.
7. We can’t normalize versions of characters without a lot of extra work. For instance, “Classic Kitty Pryde” is going to have difficulty being counted. When we tabulate the votes, we will do our best to separate designs and costumes because it gives us a sense of what designs are popular, but we can’t guarantee that every look will be counted. Some costume differences are very minute, or if you’re not specific it may get lost in the votes for a different look. So if you see someone before you post a version of a character you want too, use the same name for it [modern,classic,etc.] they did. Just be sure that you list the character’s name first, and note the version in brackets, like this:
Kitty Pryde [Excalibur]
And try to keep it brief. No need to specify issues or panels.
8. No “talking” in the voting page. This page is for voting only. If you want to talk about the vote, post in the vote discussion thread in the forum, listed below. The voting page is only for data collection, and should have nothing in there except votes.
9. No voting for the same character more than once. This goes for variations of the same character. For example, you can’t vote for Emma Frost in four different costumes, as this would skew the vote. Although truthfully, I’d take all four versions.
10. If you don’t follow the rules, your vote won’t be counted and that can definitely alter the outcome of the poll.
As a reference, the following characters have been revealed by Hasbro :
- Symbiote Spider Man
- Green Goblin
- Ms. Marvel [Kamala Khan]
- Spider Man 2099
- Spider UK
- Sunfire
- Warlock BAF
- Cyclops
- Dazzler
- Polaris
- Colussus
- Dark Phoenix
- Nico Minoru
- Movie Dr. Strange
- Movie Karl Mordu
- Netflix Jessica Jones
- Netflix Punisher
- Vance Astro
- Darkhawk
- Kid Nova
- Angela
- Monica Rambeau
- Mary Jane Watson
- Sue Storm with H.E.R.B.I.E.