Star Wars Celebration Europe has just barely kicked off and we already see the Black Series figure of Jyn Erso from Rogue One. Insane! It’s going to be crazy for the next week and a half!
The Star Wars live stream is going on right now, and so far the Rogue One panel has been outstanding. New footage, cast members telling stories, and hosted by Gwendoline Christie! She was quick to point out she had the honor of becoming an action figure for The Force Awakens.
Which segued right into Christie presenting Felicity Jones with the Black Series Jyn Erso action figure.
Don’t be jealous, Donnie Yen. I’m sure you’ll get a figure too.
Jones was quick to point out that the Jyn figure has a Han Solo belt, or at least inspired by Solo’s belt, after Christie joked that her Phasma figure was better.
The live stream is still going on if you want to check it out.
Stayed tuned, things are about to get insane!