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Hasbro: Marvel Legends 2-Pack War Machine

Hasbro Marvel Legends Civil War 2 Pack War Machine MK 3 featured


Not really a spoiler. We all saw the previews. We know James Rhodes (aka War Machine) gets his ass handed to him by his own teammate, Vision, during the airport battle. And if you didn’t know that, then now you do.

War Machine is part of the upcoming Walmart 2-pack featuring War Machine Mark 3 from Captain America: Civil War and “Disco” Iron Man from Iron Man 3. It’s a great set for the armor completists that features an amazing new sculpt of War Machine in his Mark 3 armor. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, what are you waiting for? It is the best superhero movie currently out and brings the Captain America trilogy full circle, all the while setting up the next phase of Marvel cinema.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Civil War 2 Pack War Machine MK 3 412

War Machine has a great sculpt and is a pretty fun to play with. I don’t know how the figure stacks up to the actual movie, but the sculpt isn’t bad, nor is it great. The sculpt on Iron Man Mark 46 was fantastic, and even the Mark 1 War Machine is amazing. This one is off, however. It suffers from anime proportions, long legs, and a short trunk. It’s a great look and it pops, but it loses the “real-life” look that we get from the movies. While the overall thickness of the figure’s armor is pretty good, the thighs are a bit thin and short, giving the figure that manga look. Also, the chest sits a bit low or is too compact, adding to the cartoony-ness. Don’t get me wrong, this figure looks great and it is a welcome addition to either my movie setup or my comic setup.

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The articulation is standard Marvel Legends; most of the joints work with a few exceptions. The chest joint was disappointing as it has a limited range of motions forwards, so no bent over power position for this guy. The side-to-side and to-the-back motion is great. The hips have a limited range of motion, again due to the high hip armor. Unlike the Mark 46, you can’t really adjust the hip joint to sneak the armor under the crotch. Finally, there’s the ankles. While these are a vast improvement over the War Machine and Iron Patriot/Mark 2, the barbel ball-and-socket joint does have limitations. What we lose in the forward movement (toe to shin) we gain in the rocker. It’s a preferred trade-off as I’d rather have a good rocker.

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War Machine is chock full of accessories: an extra set of hands (fists), his “First Order Stormtrooper” baton, shoulder Gatling gun, and arm-mounted pistols. He even comes with the baton and Gatling gun coming out of his back accessories. The accessories are cool, but the guns are bit loose and wobbly and fall apart too easily. The hands pop in and out while the baton is loaded, which is loads of fun. Collectors now have a baton that they can do things with. Awful things. Instagram will be on fire soon.

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War Machine is a must have. The figure looks great with other figures from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well as on your comic shelf. He is pretty fun to play with, but he will require some work to achieve decent poses.

He’s not available yet, but we’ll update you as soon as he is.

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Hasbro Marvel Legends Civil War 2 Pack War Machine MK 3 410

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Hasbro Marvel Legends Civil War 2 Pack War Machine MK 3 404

Hasbro Marvel Legends Civil War 2 Pack War Machine MK 3 405

20 thoughts on “Hasbro: Marvel Legends 2-Pack War Machine

  1. Classic Internet Douchebag move dude!


    Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!

  2. I really don’t but it’s a question I ask of all my prey…so tell me why…lol

  3. Comic, movie, wrestling, customs, military…video game…but you, me, or the anyone for that matter can review a toy without spoiling plot points of a movie…I avoid looking at movie sites…I shouldn’t have to stop looking at toy sites, which this is the first time it’s happened here…why do you care so much about asking the author to take a little more care next time? All the author had to do was mark the article with spoilers…and then there would’ve been no problems.

  4. I think I should be able to visit an action figure site, and not have to worry about spoilers. Not everyone has the time to go to the movies, maybe you should visit an etiquette site…just saying…because I said nothing out of the way to the author.

  5. Maggie shot Mr. Burns, Kylo kills Han, Vader is Anakin, Bruce Willis is dead in Sixth Sense, the Crying Game chicks a dude, and the Mandarin is really Trevor. Now go see a movie or don’t visit pop culture sites. Nat Geo shark week is probably coming up, visit their site.

  6. Oh shut up. The movie has been out long enough. If you want to be able to visit sites that cover that type of information you’re going to have to see the movie in the first week, two at the max.

  7. I’m pretty sure even Marvel wants you to spoil the movie at this point, just so someone is still talking about it.
    Not too excited about the price I’m gonna have to pay for this, but it’s a beautiful figure, and I love me some War Machine. I imagine his little stick works like the fan in Smash Brothers, so that’s going right in garbage.

  8. It’s alright though, I’m not too worried about having things spoiled for me. Now if it was Star Wars… that would be a different story.

  9. “Not really a spoiler” … Immediately follows it up with a real spoiler for those of us who haven’t seen the movie yet

  10. Apparently the sculpt is either “great” or “not great” depending on which sentence you read, lol.

    “War Machine has a great sculpt and is a pretty fun to play with. (…) the sculpt isn’t bad, nor is it great.”

  11. Are you fucking serious?? Believe it or not some of us haven’t seen Civil War yet. We can’t all devote our lives to comic book characters.

    Fix that spoiler on your front page you asshole!

  12. disco iron man lol. though the figure looks like tony got drunk and took some spray paint to a suit.

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