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Bandai: S.H. Figuarts Star Wars Jango Fett Promo Pics

Bandai Star Wars SH Figuarts Jango Fett Promo Featured

It’s weird how you can say “I wish Bandai would announce something new on the Star Wars S.H. Figuarts front” and boom, something is announced.

No mere mortal should wield such power.

We’ve been wondering if Bandai was holding off for Rogue One announcements or if something else was up. Turns out, they were just letting us simmer. We saw Jango Fett at a toy show last year, so he’s not a huge surprise but a welcome one. Sure, the Black Series is pretty nifty but this is Figuarts!

Bandai Star Wars SH Figuarts Jango Fett Promo 1

It looks like Jango will come with the usual alternate sets of hands and his double pistols.

Even more interesting, it seems he comes with an attachment that simulates the grappling hook shooting.

And to take it one step further, the wrist blade is included also. It seems to be removable, as it’s in some pics and not others.

Bandai Star Wars SH Figuarts Jango Fett Promo 7

No announcement on when pre-orders are going up but it’s set for release in September. The price took another hike to around $58 suggested price.