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Morning Rush – Fantastic Four Cast Revealed – I’m old

I’ve been trying to figure out what to say, but everything comes out sounding like a whiny butt hurt fanboy. I’m a 41 year old comic book toy collecting stereotype. Let me say that I have not been impressed but much of 20th Century Fox’s handling of the Marvel Movies to date. They are all watchable and X-Men, X-Men: First Class and The Wolverine are the standouts for me. The rest… are watchable. Sony and Paramount have done right with Marvel, specially Paramount of late. Granted Marvel is really running the show and they know what they want to do with their core Avengers universe. Sony seems to be back on track with Spider-man. But Fox? Ehhh…


We’re getting a young spunky modern Fantastic Four, not the late thirties/fourty something group that I hoped for. That’s always been a selling point for me is the elderly, aged, parental superhero group trying to figure it all out. Dealing with real life. Not a… young bunch of punks. Yeah see? Whiny butt hurt 41 year old fanboy. I’m gonna put another hat on. I’m gonna put the open minded hat. I’m gonna put on the hat that says, Kate Mara is hot young starlet that I have no problem spending 2 hours watching her in a skin tight superhero suit. And if she channels some of her American Horror Story crazy then yeah, all in. The rest of the cast, Miles Teller, Jamie Bell and Michael B. Jordan, I have no idea who they are. That’s good? I guess? It also points out that I am… old. Like really old, after all I’m hung up on a super heroine from 1979.

Tonight, I’ll ask my kids about this. I’ll spend some time with them. I think they are the market for this movie. Not whiny butt hurt 41 year old fanboy me.

On the toy front, thank you Toy Fair 2014. What a show. Hagop and VeeBee are spent and their brains are full and they have words to write. I hear they might have something to talk about in the near future as well. Until then, and once again, thank you to the gentlemen, they did an excellent job. And Robokillah, man he rocked the house, the dude has got his rug. And the forum staff did another exceptional job this year. I heard there was a shooting in the Marvel aisle, but the victim was apprehended and severely word lashed. Kidding.

I’m gonna point you to some must reads from yesterday. I already linked to the news about Ripley once today, but I’m gonna do it again today, I think it’s picture that’s the draw, she was one hot heroine. If you haven’t already, check out DisThunder’s article about Jetfire, it’s a good read. Turtles and Predators continue to be hot items and the Wasp Predator review is really aces, check it out.

Right! I have paying work to do, and some other articles to write before the end of the week. Have a good one!