Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga, yeah I’m hooked on a feeling. Just when I thought the Toy Fair love was over we got hit with some massive excitement! Where to start? Where to start? Let’s start with Ellen Ripley, aka Sigourney Weaver, film goddess and Marks and Spencer (I think) undie wearing space hero. If Jennifer Connelly was my first teenage crush then Sigourney was my first childhood female crush and probably the reason why I searched far and wide for a six foot tall athletic female partner in life. Ellen Ripley was Wonder Woman on the big screen. There was no one that could compare to her ass kicking gooness. Many have tried, all have failed. When she reprised her role as Ellen Ripley in Aliens, she took the billy bad assness to a whole new level. Capped off with the powerloaded fight with the bitch Queen at the end of Aliens. And a whole new level of female badassery.
Enter NECA, the current king of Alien and Predator Action figures. Enter their 2014 Toy Fair announcement that they will be making Ripely and the Powerloader. Enter all kinds of emotions bubbling to the surface. I have not heard or read anything about Ripley being in undies, and oh would that be creepily cool, but Ripley in Aliens that fits into a Powerloader, that’s so uber cool I can’t explain. And NECA is one of the, if not the best, company doing actor likenesses at smaller, seven inches, scale. Wow.
And if that bit of science fiction outer space goodness wasn’t enough, then Marvel premiered their new full trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy on Jimmy Kimmel yesterday. Facebook and YouTube was alighted with joy. And lots of Hukka Chaka or Ooga Chaka or ouga chaka, doesn’t matter, it was a lot of chaka. I love that Marvel was able to take a piss with it’s own characters and make this movie look so freaking cool at the same time. Oh and in case you all missed that, that’s the Nova Corps that’s got them under arrest. If the words Xandar weren’t a give away, then how about the outfits? Hello…
Rounding out the top stories yesterday. Ya’ll love a Eulogy, and I don’t blame you, we needed one to put our favorite DC Universe Classics and the dead sub to bed. DisThunder delivered in style and I recommend you check the story here.
I’m glad that I’m not the only that wants a Jennifer Connelly action figure, I mean Rocketeer action figures. This was a great item to get a hold of and man my brain is spinning from the announcement of 6 inch super poseable action figures from this move/property. I hope they milk it for all it is worth. Oh, yeah, they are making Firefly action figures (Robokillah chastised me yesterday for knowing nothing about this property).
Despite the limited showing of Bandai goodness at Toy Fair, ya’ll want more. There seems to be some very good feedback on Batman. BANDAI! WE WANT TO SEE AND KNOW MORE!
Finally there is never-ending love for Street Fighter. CAPO Toys showed prototypes for their new 7 inch line, I think this means they are in scale with NECA’s previous offerings, too big for SOTA, and maybe too small for Play Arts? Guh, I get confused, but they look solid and are articulated, satisfying a long over due want for Street Fighter figures. I just hope this line goes beyond the number of offerings that SOTA released and doesn’t die after the first wave, Street Fighter is a strange property.
That’s it! I’m off for the day! Real life calls!