In the world of Marvel Select, Diamond is showing off their Thor and Jane Foster movie figures, along with the Silver Surfer. We’ve seen these prior to this show, and they’re still in prototype phase, but it’s nice to get a good look at them again. Jane Foster will come with an accessory that’s key to the Dark World plot, and thus Diamond is unable to reveal it until after the movie opens. The Surfer prototype here is very close to production, although the joinery on the clear base will be much more seamless on the production piece. He comes with an Infinity gauntlet that fits right over his hand, and yes the board is removable from the base.
Diamond will be announcing their three Marvel Select exclusive figures for 2014 in the near future. All three will be comic-based character designs. Two are characters that Diamond has made before, but in new, fan-demanded versions/designs. The third will be a character that has never before seen the Marvel Select treatment.
They also had a prototype of the Captain Picard Star Trek figure. The production figure will have ball shoulders and a bicep cut on the left arm. They’re hoping to announce/reveal the 4th figure in this Star Trek series by Toy Fair, if not earlier. That figure will come with a base that fits with the theme of Picard’s (i.e. the Borg).
Diamond also had prototypes on display (that we were not allowed to photograph) of their new Sin City figures. They’ll be doing figures from the movie in a scale/style comparable to their Universal Monsters line.
They also had on hand previously seen product from Marvel Minimates, and the gi-normous Stay Puft Marshmallow Man bank. Srsly, it’s huge.